irongame427's picture
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+ 29 I just can't seem to win. AM tech bloods and gh serum


Cycle is 900mg of am tech test e ew, 900mg bold cyp from swole and 50mg Balkan proviron. Pretty safe to say something isn't right here cause my 240mg ew cruise dose had me at 1500>. I would have expected 5000-6000 easy. 250mg ew usually puts me around 2000. Very disapointed to say the least. I was starting to wonder why I was having no estrogen problems with no ai. I just can't fucking win. Swoles bold seems to be doing it's thing I'm vote vascular then ever and overall I look great. But I'm sure I could have added a lot more muscle if my test levels were where they should have been. The Balkan proviron is awesome I love the stuff. Horny dryer harder more vascular. Oh well life goes on. It was promo gear anyways. But it sucks to have another cycle effected but underdosed test. The gear looked great, awesome presentation, no pip. But without a doubt significantly underdosed. These labs were done after 7 weeks on.

Now on to the gh serum. That 33 is the result of 6 ius of omnitope shot IM almost exactly 3.5 hours before bloods. These are straight from US pharmacy. I'm incredibly surprised by this number. I would expect a 33 from 10ius not 6. Def strange buty results have been crazy at 4.2ius ed

Creatinine is high I'm thinking because I was dehydrated for the test. My pre cycle labs my kidney values were perfect. So I'll retest here in a few weeks and see what's up and also talk to my doctor and see what she thinks.

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ash48's picture

You had any response from MD ABOUT THIS?

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irongame427's picture

Ya he contacted me today and respectful appologized about the most important thing, time wasted and asked what he could do and also that he was going down to the lab to get to the bottom of the problem. Can't ask for much more then that he didn't attack me or cal me a liar etc.

ash48's picture

Yeah just see his post on SI..
I like the way he has handled it hopefully it works out ok for u pal!

And hopefully everyone gets some answers

Take it easy

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HornyCamel's picture

Why would he need a response? Md ripped alot of people off in the promo

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ash48's picture

An explanation maybe? A plan of action to make it right?

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DBG's picture

At 800/wk of the cyp, my levels were more 4000. This is interesting we have all been getting different readings. Mine were 4 weeks in too...yours was like twice that

fit5000's picture

Jeezzz, this is rediculous. I really don't understand why sources need to underdose testosterone, it's so cheap and they have to know it's gonna come to light in the very near future. I just had bad bloods from a top source and added in some of the am prop to bring it up, that's probably not doing a damn thing to help the situation.

growthman's picture

Omni's are my favorite to date best gh for me. Been using serostim the last year and doesn't compare to omnitrope. I had the same issue with AMtech too. I believe MD is a good guy and his intentions are honest but I didn't get much results from the AMtech sust I used months ago. If you have enough, bump your omni dose up to 10iu/day. Thats when the fun began for me. Crazy swole off 10 iu omni. Youre right tho balkan proviron is the best ive used to date also. Good luck bro. For gear i suggest alpha pharma usa their shit is legit nandro's gear is so clean and strong. .02 sorry

irongame427's picture

Ya I'm really liking these omnis. I wish I could bump it up to 10 but I only have 2 cartridges left one for next week and one for the followijf and I'm gonna pull bloods on 4.5ius. You're right tho AP Usa is the way to go nandro doesn't Fuxk around he only sells the best stuff.

boots2asses12's picture


Vio26's picture

Thank you for your blood +1 Really really low Test values for 900mg x week. MD has contacted you about this?
Test-E is 300mg x ml but checking your blood seems that Am Test-E is severely underdosed. What you think?

NFRCR's picture

You would expect 2000ng/dL from 250-300mg/week. So it's 3x or more underdosed. The concentration is 100mg/ml or less.

Vio26's picture

Yes sure, hope there is underdosed batch and not all AM TECH products, there is any other blood ?

NFRCR's picture

There are recent bloods for MD's Test-C somewhere, also came out underdosed.

Not as bad as the Test-E though.

Vio26's picture

I check now, thanks

rageracing's picture

Hey iron....has MD even tried to contact you about this?

dudebro's picture

Thanks for posting. Lots of guys avoid this when it comes to the top sources because they don't want to deal with the hassle and backlash but you've posted up bad bloods on high ranking sources at least twice that I can remember. That's what it's all about.

NFRCR's picture

irongame427, you should post a review as well so that everyone can see.

superman75's picture

holy shit! starting to feel like nothing makes sense anymore in this game, and we are all sitting at a wheel in Vegas. Iron in using AM-tec mast e and this stuff is working rather well for me. I added in at the back half of a test. tren e cycle, and this old boy sure knows what real masteron feels like. no change in nutrition, training, or sleep and within a few weeks of adding this in I've gotten harder, more vascular, and it's brought my libido into higher gear. I'd figure this compound would be crap long before a bottle of test. I'm sorry you've missed out a little of what you're aiming for. no doubt you'd have added a little more mass if your test levels where higher. on a positive note tho, I'm betting you've kept the bloat to a min, recomped, and gotten much harder. just trying help make you feel like it wasn't for not and was a total loss brother. +1 for the blood work amigo....

irongame427's picture

Ya it was a petty nice recomp, but that's what the next 8 weeks are for these 8 were suppsed to be to add some more mass in the right spots. But I do look good hard dry vascular. Dropped some bodyfat. So whatever. May not be able to compete when I want to now I really needed to bring my chest and arms up and they made progress just not like I hoped for.

Dope's picture

Iron i hate underdosed gear with pasion ...u know why ?

I hate ramping my pharm gh to blast dose then waste it cause my aas underdosed and not maxed on gear like i thing

Not let this put u down brother! Blast the shit out of test e + tne and bring those points up with mega volume 2xweek and carbload

That why i only use alpha pharma anymore and that why i geting it alone months now
Fuck being scammed buy "sources" if u want things be done proper them yourself!!

I expect the best when i pay triple price to this "sources" anything else is unaceptable for the money they make

Things gone to shit now cause gear use become trendy and cause of fucking ord before ord we could test gear for 100$ lol so sources needed stay on their toes

Respect iron


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growthman's picture

x2 for all said.

ThanosIG's picture

Thank god iv swapped to noble labs lol, thanks for posting these bloods mate

irongame427's picture

It's not looking good bro.

rolltide3's picture

900 a week and just over 2000 yikes plus two for the bloods

ProFoTo's picture

Sucks bro.. +1 for bloods!

geoff26's picture

MD is here to run a business, he's not out to fuck people over! people make mistakes I must admit he should of got every batch of raw tested But this is china we are talking about, they will do anything to make a quick buck and fuck you over! MD will come through and sort this out

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Dope's picture

Shut the fuck up man seriously go hold his dick in pms if u like


he fucked ppl in ass this test is 80 mg not 300mg and is cost 2 dolar!! For him to make

I will never buy anything from MD again



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rageracing's picture

Who gives a shit if the raws test good if its not dosed Testing the raws is only part of the equation bro.

geoff26's picture

I'm no rep for MD and I'm not taken anyone side I really do feel sorry for Iron, that his blood test to come back bad which I'm sure MD will chime in at some point and sort things out! MD has been on eroids for a good couple of years and always been in the top 10 list, he has no reason to start to fucking people over!

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irongame427's picture

Unless MD can send me back in time 8 weeks there isn't much he can do. I'm with you tho a lot of times it is the chinese fucking us but it's the sources fault for not testing raws.

geoff26's picture

I totally agree with you bro he should of tested his raws, I'm sorry if I came across as if I was defending MD, I'm sure he will comp you for your lose! We all know what the Chinese can be like.

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guitarplayer1's picture

It's always China's fault,lol

You a rep for MD? Stop ballsucking and let the src speak up how these test numbers suck ass.

+1 Iron for the bloods

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tonytulo's picture


romangod's picture

Sorry about the low test .. Im currently running AM testcyp at 80mg/w , my trt dose. I pull bloods on monday. They should come in at 500s. I will post the results after I see DR. thanks for testing

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jm99's picture

I'm the same, except 150mg a week, getting bloods done in about two weeks, worried that I've been running more like 30mg a week now after seeing these results, think I'll stick to pharma from now on.

GrowMore's picture

There I am just starting a cycle today using his tren and all in hearing is the stuff is shit..

Best feeling ever.

We all appreciate the post +1

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fusebox's picture

This sucks. But at least you didnt buy a shit load of it and another brand that I won't mention but it breaths fire like I did. Fuck I can't win. However I ran the breaths fire prop with the test e and after one week I switched to am tech test prop and it was definately an upgrade. So I'll see. +1 for the bloods at any rate for what its worth

irongame427's picture

It sucks man. Check my pics same shit happened my last cycle. Tried to run 900mg ew and my bloods reflected more like 500 at best. All I want to do is run a cycle with 900mg of test who would have known it would be this hard. Whatever lesson learned I have my one source for oil and I'll stick with him.

boots2asses12's picture

Damn that's nice Gh thanks iron

KK9111's picture

nice GH serum levels. 33 of 6ius is impressive. sorry bou the low test though

Gymjunkie01's picture

And folks this is exactly why we stress to get bloods done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +2 for getting your bloods pulled

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solidman's picture

Thanks for sharing Iron +1 and sorry for the poor results

ash48's picture

Interested to see how Md handles this!!

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alloneword's picture

Or just never comments on it. Ha

NFRCR's picture

This better get sorted out! I am also very disappointed with MD gear, no bloods yet, but will get them!

I have been looking around here and the only good reports of MD gear are prior to the latest promo.

And there have not been any reports on the raws of Test C and E.

Honestly, if this doesn't get sorted, this source deserves a ban from here.

Although, be cautious. If he offers a compensation by sending more gear from a good batch, it might as well be poison to punish you for not being quiet about his underdosed gear.