davieboy1986's picture
  • 187

Horrendous PIP & Swelling Shredded 225


After doing a number of shots with the Shredded 225 & Extreme preworkout.
One of my last shots was in the bicep and you can see how bad the bicep I injected in compared to the one I hadn't. .5ml only.

I'm not allergic to EO and can handle some of the worst pips from any test 400.

Arm probably looks better after swelling. Lol.

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dudebro's picture

Lol I was about to ask the same thing too... looks like there might not be enough of a bicep there to hold any amount of gear.

Hustle28's picture

Lol good catch ... Also using gear to cut smh

Hustle28's picture

X2 agree

dothework29's picture

Damn bro the bicep! Never pinned there before. Sounds painful

dudebro's picture

What size pins did you use and have you ever pinned biceps before?

dudebro's picture

How's it doing now? Pretty sure you didn't go deep enough and that's what has your skin all irritated. 1/3 of an inch that's barely breaking through the skin.

sic26's picture

I would hurry go to doc looks bad had my glute swell up one time it went down thank God but it was kinda hot to the touch still think u should go to doc

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sic26's picture

That is a the best way to do it be prepared. Happy to hear u are fine now

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brickshithouse78's picture

Ya the m tren in the preworkout. Blend prolly the culprit if symptoms dont get better go seek medical help and biceps are very sensitave i pin them lot more nerves in them peaks then u think only muscle on my body i can litterally feel the oil going in

jdiesel's picture

Shit man is it warm to the touch? How long ago did you pin? That's a shit ton of redness! If it keeps getting bigger bro and it's warm to the touch I highly suggest you go to see dr. I had that happen 15 yrs ago in my quad and it kept spreading getting warm and thick I had to get it surgically drained. It's no joke if it's getting bad bro seriously don't wait too long.

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sic26's picture

Crazy what did u tell doc that happen to your leg when they asked ?

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jdiesel's picture

I was out of work for 2 and a half months. The nurse I had take care of me at home was cool as hell. She injected her husband all the time with gear. He actually had his pro card. She had me show her the bottle so she could explain to her husband what gear I had. They told me don't ever think of buying that gear again severely underdosed and dirty azz gear from south of the boarder. It wasnt my first cycle but it was my first injection of that specific brand.

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jdiesel's picture

At that point man I just told the er nurse that it was gear I injected. The infection spread so bad it honestly scared the shit out of me so I figured just be honest and get it taken care of.

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sic26's picture

That's really scary j at least god put some good people in your path that could really help u better get through it

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jdiesel's picture

I agree my firend!!

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robb's picture

I'd probably have pip if I pinned my bicept, have you tried glutes at least their's some muscle in their. Your bi's are way too small to be pinning imo.