randys52's picture
  • 90

+ 8 HGH and IGF results


Been taking 2-5 IUs daily for about 2.5 months, SQ, each am. Took 5IUS before test about 2 hours. So what do you think?

Ordered from: 
noquit's picture

Def wanna get a baseline IGF and then hop on it's the only way you're going to be able to judge how well the product performed, but at ur age I'd suspect ur baseline IGF is probably close to the bottom if not below that so this number looks great considering u were doing 5 days on 2 off. I would have guessed this number would have come back much lower using that dosing. Also the next time u run a serum number try to have ur labs done between 3-4 hours after u pin, because serum levels peak anywhere between 3-4.5 hours so ur GH serum wasn't peaking when u had ur labs done so that number could have been higher.

randys52's picture

I am very happy with GodT. Get a feeling of well being, abd fat melting away, can start to see abs at 67. When I stop for a couple of months Ill get my baseline, but that may not even be long enough to be off to get back to normal levels?

godtropin's picture

yeah, im totally agree with u

randys52's picture

Thanks man. Will order really soon!

randys52's picture

Yes, very pleased. Forgot completely how old I am. That's prob some anecdotal evidence itself. But VERY pleased

godtropin's picture

on my SI page, u mention u use 2-4iu for 2 month. 2iu and 4iu have big difference

randys52's picture

Yes, been using between 2 and 5 IUs but usually take 2 days off a week......i am sure I use 2 more than I usr 5 sir

HailRazor's picture

Well dang

2-5ius with 2 days off

246ng/mL is a god result then lol

MegaT883's picture

I agree with you Hail. What everyone fails to realise is the older you get the lower your levels. Why is that you ask. Not only do you produce less hgh but even when adding exogenous hgh your not going to get the rise that a 29 yr old would on igf-1. Think IGFBP's. At 67 your going to have less than that 29 yr old. The natural mean level at his age is 119. That's the middle and the larger percentage of 67 yr old will fall there or less. Looking at it from that perspective he more than doubled his IGF-1. Looking at it another way that rise above the reference range is the same as a 29 yr old scoring 366. That is what a lot guys fail to look at. That is also why it's so important to get a natural base reading. Very small (2.5%) percentage of the population will touch anywhere near the max on the reference range.

godtropin's picture

considering all the factors : 67 years, mostly 2iu, sometimes 4iu, 2 days off, 2 months, 246 is good result.
thanks HR

godtropin's picture

u still take 2 days off, mostly 2iu, your result is quite good
thanks for sharing the blood test

godtropin's picture

hey sir
first thanks for your blood test, u get 100$ off for next order.
u mention that u r 67 years old, at your age, on your body, GH serum and IGF1 should be very very low.
when i was 34-36 years, before pin gh, my gh serum was 0.1,0,4 etc etc. and u wait only 2h for blood test, normal around 3h30-4h, serum peaks, and at your age, gh serum increase slowly, i think serum 4.6 is not bad.

at your age, normally baseline of IGF1 should be under 60, and also its hard to convert serum to IGF1, u use low dose, and igf1 is still 246, its very good number.

really appreciate for your help

randys52's picture

Awesome. Yes, I thought of the age factor AFTER I started taking your HGH. I am quite pleased with the results. I OFTEN forget how old I really and expect my "test results" to always equal a 35 year old male. LOL....I have never had abnormal labs so I assume In 20 I guess. Yes, thanks and will order real soon Matt

godtropin's picture

but at your age, u use 2iu per day, the anti aging works very well for u. your hairs ,your skin etc should improve well

Immortaltech's picture

2-5 ius?? Hard to tell not stable and constant dose, its probably good

In a promo × 1
randys52's picture

Yea, prob to variable on dosing but I really messed up by not getting my baseline at my age, imho

HailRazor's picture

At 246 ng/mL, seems to be working.

Maybe try a stable daily dose of either 3 or 4 iUs

The GH Serum elevated so it is rHGH

Thanks for testing


randys52's picture

Thanks brother. I am going to order another kit and start tomorrow doing 4ius a day SQ and reorder.....test again in a month or so

HailRazor's picture

I agree.....try a more consistent, stable daily dose for several weeks then retest

It looks good so far tho

randys52's picture

Ok man, thanks....will repost in a month or so