Over Acheiver's picture
Over Acheiver
  • 10



Very pleased with this hgh. Just wanted to post this to address a comment. It is labeled as 5ius on the vials I have.

Ordered from: 
Tripod 66's picture

Is the vial a misprint? I've never seen gh labeled as U.I. always I.U. for the "International Unit" measurement.

Over Acheiver's picture

I'm guessing it's iu. It is definitely stronger than my regular 10iu vials from my regular hgh source. My wife and I both have noticed a big difference since switching over in the past 10 days.

Interpharmserv's picture

Hello friend Smile

Thank you to share!
We appreciate!

Best regards

ECinfidel's picture

Maybe the source can chime in and clarify wether its 5iu as it says on the vial, or 5mg as stated on the website.

Interpharmserv's picture

Hello friend Smile

HGH 5 GenexPharma is 5UI per vial.

Best regards

ECinfidel's picture

Thanks for clearing that up. There was some confusion as the website said 5mg. Cheers

Interpharmserv's picture

You are welcome friend Smile
Thank you!
Best regards

Over Acheiver's picture

I honestly do think your correct on it being 5mg. Is definitely way over 5 ius. Got a hell of a deal then.

Interpharmserv's picture

Hello friend Smile

HGH is 5 UI

Ok thanks

Best regards

ECinfidel's picture

It would make sense. Particularly w/you mentioning how it seemed overdosed. Decent deal for sure if so.

NEVER QUIT's picture

That bottle states 5ui my man lmao

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Interpharmserv's picture

Yes you right friend it is 5UI like the label show... Smile

ECinfidel's picture

Pay attention my man. lmao

Over Acheiver's picture

Right, but he had mentioned about it being stated as a 5 mg vial on the website, because I had stated mine are 5 ius in a comment. I would assume they are referring to it being in i.u. and not mg. U.I. isn't a measurement that I am aware of?? Correct me if I'm wrong?

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