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  • 14

Growing stash


Pack arrived from Muta today! I gotta say Muta is the man! First my pack arrived and was short because he said somehow they had sold more Test E than they had, but assured me he would make it right and he did! Turns out the Test E got sent seperately, but nevertheless Muta still sent me some extra Test C AND some TNE and Equipoise! Talk about customer service! Didn't include any support/ancillaries in the pic other than the arimidex, just oils n the tbol. Im 8 weeks into a Test/Tren cycle kickstarted with Tbol and I am loving it. Started at 198 lbs and am currently at 220. Still have another 6 weeks to go! Already hit numerous PR. Squatting 425, Benching 335. Anyways Muta, you are the man!

Anabolic Nation

3 x Masteron E
2 x Sustanon 250
3 x Equipoise 300
3 x Test Cyp 250
2 x Tren E 250
3 x Test E 250
2 x TNE

Hulk Body

3 x Test Cyp

Domestic X

25 ml Test E/C 400
More coming!

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