Sc101's picture
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GP Test cypionate, t-bol, and Arimidex


I made a purchase from for some test cyp, t-bol, and some arimidex. The gear quality was incredible, the tbol was actually the best I have ever had. Test cyp sent my libido through the roof and all the sides were there that showed it was definitely accurately dosed and legit test. The arimidex does exactly what it is supposed to. The day I felt my nipples get a little sensitive I took 0.5mg. Symptoms had cleared up by the next day. Amazing products!

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Sc101's picture

What exactly do you mean by not verified? I'm new to eroids. Been taking aas for many years but new to this site and the online sources.

Sc101's picture

Any particular reason why they did that? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just legitimately curious. Naps is the only source I have used online so far and if I shouldn't be using them for any reason, I want to know.. I mean, the gear is gtg, but there's obviously more to a source than just the gear being good.

zhaomeng0904's picture

Don't worry bro. Naps is the one of the best source. GP products quality are solid.

Sc101's picture

I have made 4 orders from Naps so far and everything from them has been top notch. I used to work in a dr's office where they did trt, and I may have used some of the test myself a couple times lol. This was legit depo test from Pfizer... the stuff Naps has is better than that pharmaceutical shit. Amazing stuff tbh.