Dixon_Credible's picture
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+ 3 Goroids Touchdown With The Forbidden Fruit


Another Goroids TD. Really enjoying the Test E and this time took the plunge into some (dare I say it) Tren E. Going to try Vigorous Steve's 25mg per week protocol and see what happens. Based on his research, that's the dose to harness all the anti-catabolic effects and ideally minimize the negative effects. We will indeed find out.
Anyone else tried such a conservative dose?

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press1's picture

I wonder how he came to that conclusion on the 25mg per week?

I've always questioned what is classed as catabolic when it comes to muscle loss, because it could mean various things in my eyes. You can go catabolic due to not eating enough calories or protein to maintain the mass you have on you - so it can't stop that, you could go catabolic during training if you don't have enough carbs in you which it won't prevent, if you don't train a muscle enough during a week to keep the size you have established then I can't see it stopping that, generally after leaving a muscle 5 to 6 days it will begin to lose strength too. So is it really preventing you from going catabolic or is it just that you have slightly increased your protein synthesis rate to a higher level than you were at? Scratch one-s head

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Spool's picture

That 25mg/wk concept is very interesting. Without a doubt there will be benefits to it but there has to be more to it than just the 25mgs.

TrainElite's picture

I know VS talks about micro dosing 25mg Tren ew w/ daily subq micro administrations to get the benefits of Glucocorticoid Receptor Inhibition and Androgenic to Anabolic Disassociation. Basically getting all the Anabolic benefits but none of the negative Androgenic side effects. That's his reasoning behind the 25mg mark. But I agree I don't think it would by any means preserve muscle deep into a cut at such a tiny dose, I personally run at least 200-300mg Tren deep into my cut. I believe his point was to add 25mg Tren into your cycle for those specific benefits from the Tren, maybe for guys who have issues running Tren. I don't remember him saying 25mg would be anti-catabolic though. VS is a pretty smart guy, he does some pretty deep dives into all the medical studies and all that. I know he sure puts alot of good info out there to help bodybuilders stay healthy, check their bloodwork, etc...

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smurfdude1234567's picture

I have done low doses like that but I micro-dosed ED with slin pins.
So like .05-0.1ml a day. If that. I completely agree with that approach less is more with this stuff especially if your first couple times messing with it. I haven’t tried it with E as I had severe sides one cycle and haven’t tried it again since. For some reason Ace is always easier on me with lower doses and I can drop it if anything urgent scares me off and have the effects gone within a couple days.

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RobertB80's picture

What sort of severe sides? Some are worse than others if you know what I mean…

smurfdude1234567's picture

Ah man Tren E gave me severe cystic acne on my back that I had never experienced before. Got so bad I’d be worried wearing light shirts and using machines. Hell it’d hurt to shower and sleep. Never again.

Tren A will give me sweating very easily/often, sky-high libido, increased aggression (easy to control knowing it’s the drugs), and an almost guaranteed slight BP increase.

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Dixon_Credible's picture

The mood change (numbness, not giving a fuk), night sweats mostly. This is what I've seen reported.

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Dixon_Credible's picture

I inject everything else daily but with such a small amount likely just add this in twice a week. It's only like 12.5 units on an insulin pin for the week. What sides did you experience at that low of a dose? That's good advice on the Ace ester. Crap, too late now for me though

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