posted Sat, 05/06/2023 - 15:56
+ 6 Gorillas Juice
I’ve heard good things about GKs liquid orals, had to try some out. The Viagra should be fun, I’ll try it on the wife this weekend lol.
Thanks GK
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@ONESICK You weren’t kidding man this Cialis is strong as fuck. I took 10mg yesterday and 10mg again today and my dick won’t go down all the way. My wife keeps thinking I’m still horny but I’m not, the fucker won’t go down lol
I told you to be careful lololo
I only took 10mg damn. Lol
Try 10mg EOD maybe that'll help lol
Since it works so fast I’m just going to use it as needed, I can’t get the dose down much further. I didn’t get a chance to try the viagra because I didn’t want to wind up in the hospital with a hard pecker lol.
Cialis has a longer half life than Viagra. So give a day or two of clearance before trying the blues.
No doubt.
Nice I'm using both the anadrol and cialis myself both are fkn awesome. I'm up 6 lbs in 7 days, steel pipe too. I use. 4ml of the cialis every 3 days . My BP is perfect even on 100mg anadrol
That’s awesome, Anadrol is the only thing that gives me zero estrogenic side effects, although 50mg is about as high as I go. My BP teeters in and out of normal range without AAS so 100mg would be a no go. Lol.
I CAN'T STAND! It gave me the absolute worst headache ever! My blood pressure was fine. And the crazy part is this was 2 different brands only using 25mg/day. Both times I lasted 5 or 6 days. I tried to fight through it but that wasn't happening
That’s how you know your Anadrol is legit. Lol. I tell people if I don’t have a headache by day 3 it’s bunk.
For sure, I knew it was legit but damn those head aches. Just wasn't for me. Some like it though.
What's out of range in your opinion?
If I’m over 135/70 I start getting headaches and flushed face. My bottom number is always under 70, the top number is all over the place. There’s many factors that contribute to my BP not just AAS. I can’t back out of the driveway and not want to put my hands on somebody, I’m not an angry person but I’m allergic to idiots and stupidity. Being in public heightens my awareness and my anxiety goes through the roof which in turn spikes my BP. I’m gonna wind up on meds for it guaranteed.
You must live in NY where stupidity is the norm! I would love to move to a normal state. +1 because the driveway comment was funny AF!!
Yea I heard NY is a trip
Lol. I live in the dirty south, and im not kidding. I swear, I don’t know how people around here function on a daily basis. Some need helmets, and others need brain cells. Don’t get me started on shitty drivers, there’s no way they passed the driving test
I used to live in NY now I'm In the south. Your description makes me think we live in the same place. People in my city can't fkn drive I want to ram them off the road
We probably do lol. I hate this state, I’ve been here about a year and a half. As soon as interest rates drop I told my wife we’re leaving
Dude, where I moved from up north I've never seen worse drivers than where I am now. Like how the fuck lol
X2 haha
I never feel if my blood pressure is off. Especially at that low. 135/70 is not high. Some doctors go crazy about anything over 120 some see 140-145 and say " a little elevated nothing to worry about" lol
I wish I was like you. My body is sensitive to everything, which isn’t a bad thing I guess, I know real quick when something isn’t right. My doc was pretty calm with my numbers, however when I walked in there the first time I met her my BP was 180/110 because I was fuckin pissed they weren’t replacing my cpap mask. Seperate issue, but man I had that whole doc office freaking out lol.
Lol getting angry I'm probably In the critical range.
Hey I tell folks all the time to know their body and listen to it. Far too many times we don't listen to our body or know what it likes. Sounds plain stupid I know, but that stupid advice will get you far. By the way, nice order!
Truth brother. Our bodies talk to us, pushing the envelope can get you in a lot of trouble health wise.
Enjoy thank you
Thank you brother
Cialis is legit but can take a little bit to kick in. If you do the full 50mg say on a Thursday, you'll be good all weekend.
Thanks for the heads up. My plan is to micro dose it down to 5-10mg daily for BP reasons. I’ll ramp it up if I want to have some fun lol.
I use it for the therapeutic benefits. Gets a nice pump in the gym too and it tastes good.
No doubt. I took some earlier and man it does taste good, not like the straight up alcohol others have. Turns out docs have been prescribing roughly 5mg for many health benefits for awhile now. I’ve taken 20mg before and man that was fun. I was like a dog walking around humping the air. LMAO
@ONESICK Yall I won't be taking 50mg lol. Hell I've been having a few packs for awhile but have never used any. When I do I'll use 10-20mg.
I wanted to see what a full dose would do lol. Makes it easier to keep going for days lol
@BTRV well fellas it's fight night. Ole Canelo Avarez boxing tonight. So I'll holla at you fellas. Y'all be easy now!
It's just Canelo lol UFC, them prelims were some bangers.
That fight was ok. Canelo won but couldn't knock dude out. Canelo is a little past his prime at 32.
It’s my bed time lol. Peace.
It's all good brother, I ain't judging. I'm just glad that it's available for us.
For real. 40mg was the highest I’ve ever gone, I had a show to put on for 2 lucky ladies LMAO.
Bet you swear you were in a porn movie huh?
Man look, I had em on the bed side by side and I was going to fuckin town on one then I’d move over to the other. That bed was SOAKED, I was sweating all over them like a ho in church and you know how women are, us sweating on them makes them even hornier lol
Lmfao. Omgoodness!
Oh man, the last time I had 2 I swear my wife had more fun than me lol I ain't in my 20s anymore lol
I’m not in my 20s either, I’m pushing 40 so we have to get creative and crafty when we have 2 girls to impress. I have some tricks up my sleeve, I’ve got one I’ll share. Pm me and I’ll tell you what it is. Trust me, you’ll have them legs shaking like crazy lol
Yea I think most of us are north of 35 or 40 at least. I know I'm getting older by the day lol.
Lol. My wife lets me bring em home every chance I get. I’ll tell you the muscles definitely help reel them in too. But yeah I’m with you, my wife likes girls almost as much as I do which is fine.
Oh yeah we have the same taste lol girls with a nice ass n legs. Could care less about tits myself but if they're nice even better. Muscles do help but it's easier when my wife is hot too lol some just gravitate towards her
@BTRV I'm with both of yall, I couldn't care anyless about titts. Now if they are ABUNDANTLY available then I start to wonder how I could make then VERY useful! It's a sight to see big titts moving around man.
Oh yeah 100% ass guy here lol. I can go without tits. My wife has been working on hers hardcore the last couple of years. It's paying off. Of course I gave her some good old supps to help lol. She was shocked how fast it grew in 8 weeks lol