anthonys13567's picture
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Another TD from yourmuscleshop. Shipping took only 3days they never disappoint.

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Yourmuscleshop's picture

Awesome. Thank you for choosing Yourmuscleshop...--

ChuckThaDuck22's picture

Keep going with them bro,
We need more hamsters

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Ccacc's picture

Has two great orders with these folks. Quick and no BS whatsoever

Yourmuscleshop's picture

Thank you for your business. We would be more happy if you can leave us a review on our review page about your order process and products effectiveness.

anthonys13567's picture

That's what I'm here for lol

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Knowyourrole88's picture

Hey Anthony let me know how you like there armodinafil I'm currently trying it now in a
Blister pack I feel like but idk if it's me or seems kinda week I was gonna order 30 CT from genesis but I wanted to see how someone else reacted to it plus I might not be taking it optimal, I'm curious on how it goes for you bro good luck

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anthonys13567's picture

Me and my girlfriend took 1 each and thought they we a little to strong for us. I lowered it to half a pill and it was perfect for us. Maybe I'm sensitive to it. I left a longer review on yourmuscleshop thread on eroids.

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ChuckThaDuck22's picture

Does that medication produce some good wakefulness? Once I run out of my sleep meds it’s a wrap I don’t get stuck in traps for too long anymore atleast.

Is this the medication that’s given to Israeli fighter pilots though ?

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anthonys13567's picture

I usually use it on the weekend to get things done. I'm not use to stimulants so it keeps me pretty focused and theres no come down. Don't know about the Israeli fighter piolts lol

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