Cochise's picture
  • 126

Golden promo


Was generous of them to send a sample pack, Going to see what these guys are about and try the prop, don’t know how I’d run one vial of DHB? Any suggestions? Get more?
Also received a test e not pictured.

Ordered from: 
Sam I Am's picture

Nice order, Chief

Owes a Review × 1
Cochise's picture

Thank you, my friend

Owes a Review × 2
joshylife's picture

i got the same promo. it was cool because i wanted to see if i got bad PIP like some DHB can cause. i pinned 1cc the day i got it. no pip so i put in an order for another 4 vials. it takes about 14 days for my orders to come from golden so im just going to pin 2x a week to make the 1 vial last...when the other vials arrive i will pin 1cc EOD. one vial is simply not enough to get the full benefits of DHB frequency is key! if you dont wanna order more then i would just run it with the Test prop. since they are both faster acting esters. 1cc each in the same barrel, pin 2x a week. itd be a nice lil one month cycle. not bad at all for a free promo. cheers bro!

Bearded_muscle's picture

You pin prop twice a week?

joshylife's picture

no, but he was asking how to run one vial. if i only had one vial i would.

robb's picture

Just because you would doesn't mean it's the right way to go about it.

Their are kids on here who have no clue or don't care, so will go with anything that fits whatever is going on in their heads.