TnTerror88's picture
  • 131

+ 3 Gk pct supplies


Since the parties can’t last forever, gotta have the pct on hand. Gk’s packaging looks great, customer service is great, and when I put together my next cycle I’ll definitely be ordering from here.

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Gorillakingz's picture

Glad it made it brother

Claudezilla's picture

Just curiosity but all my hgh hcg the pucks were all compacted and didn’t move around..I heard the stuffs all real sensitive or the hgh is anyway can it affect efficacy of product if it gets all beat to hell or is that only once it’s mixed ?

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Nattyboomba's picture

I’m not 100% on this, but I’m fairly certain the reason HGH is so sensitive is because it is recombinant, meaning it is produced biologically by specialized E. coli, which shapes the molecule in a particular complex fashion making it sensitive to temperature & movement (breaking). Many other peptides are produced chemically and are far less fragile, HCG included. For instance; Insubolic IGF-1 is recombinant, making it costly, fragile & far higher efficacy than IGF-lr3 that’s chemically produced much cheaper and less effective. Lastly, these molecules are much more stable in the dry powder form. Nothing to worry about with some loose HCG powder in the vial

TnTerror88's picture

Well actually I’m not sure. If it were hgh yeah I would have been really concerned about it but I’m not sure about hcg being fragile like hgh is. Definitely gonna have to do some research on it now