Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36
  • 2.8k

+ 7 GK gear


4 day t/a. Everything beautiful as ever.

Ordered from: 
Dustindc29's picture

Looks like you got some really good stuff there. What's the vial to the right with the powder in it. Hcg, hgh?

thahulk2014's picture

Just ordered some of the liquid cialis and test. Great stuff.

Brolly6898's picture

Those vials are so pretty and damn 4 days shipping

Ccacc's picture

Very nice pick up BigT glad to see you back on top buddy..

IronBug's picture

Looking forward to your review on GK's GH! Have you used his before? Have yet to dive into GH. But will eventually!

Big Tone36's picture

Yea I been running his gear since he arrived on eroids going on 3 years, some of the best I've used. I tested his GK and my bloods were actually slightly better on his than pharma grade. Check out my picture section and reviews, I wrote a bunch and post pictures and blood test