Anonymous's picture
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+ 8 Getting blood work done before a cycle


I don't know if these numbers are good or bad, was hoping for direction

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ironguy1972's picture

For age 35 yout hormonal levels aren't ideal. There's ways to naturally boost test without popping the latest test booster. Huge lifts like squats, deadllits, bench press, militaty press, and the like, with heavy will increase your natty test. Not likea pin of suspension but hey whatcha gonna do

fusebox's picture

+1 for bloods

JL's picture

+1 good for you for doing things the right way.

Pale's picture

It is rare for guys to do this right +3

Goose24's picture

X2! +1 all day long

333's picture

Get that sodium in check or you will be a water balloon lol other then that not to shabby good job on getting bloods done

Pmob's picture

What kind of direction? Bloods are pretty much in check. Clean up that diet and drink plenty of water I'm sure everything will be in range.

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