carnera's picture
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Genesis med tamoxifen - legit or fake?


I bought this tamoxifen on gym, but it seems strange to me. It does not have the verify scrap code on the side, but a code visible on the hologram sticker.
I found two genesis med sites, on one of them the code works on the other not (this site requires the serial code and the verify code, but I can't find the serial on the box or on the bottle) .

What do you think?

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Faz's picture

Gym-supps is a good source that’s been around for a while, I would be surprised if he’s selling anything fake.

With it being pct, if your not sure just buy pharma, there’s plenty of U.K. sources that sell it real cheap to not have to bother with anything else

carnera's picture

Can you advise me some good source in EU?

steroidmen's picture

This brand has been 20 years ago)

In a promo × 1
carnera's picture

Sorry for my bad English. Are you saying that this brand no longer exists?

carnera's picture

The seller answered the question:

Thank you for your inquiry.
Genesis Meds has two domains, please check the security label (shiny one) on the box, the code and the name of the website that you should use should be written on it.
Then check the code on the manufacturer's website.

The two domains are and