yeegits's picture
  • 56

+ 3 gear stash!!


and still growing

Ordered from: 
IRONPITT's picture

Just a quick message b very careful with the Balkan 10 ml vials the only legitimate vials are actually amps I've seen a lot of guys get scamed by sites with the 10 & actually 20 ml btls & they definitely never made 20 or 10's it very well may b real ingredients but I hate 2 c people get screwed out of $ since Balkan does produce quality gear they just make the labels & compounds ugl style& charge pharma grade price. Good luck with the steel! Your brother in iron life any questions feel free 2 hit me up bud.

yeegits's picture

i know bro ! what a shame.... i looked up all the id things and they said they already been entered or found , luckily they were all free from promos , but all my gear is gone unfortunaly becuase of my wife long story short if u know what i mean ... what a sad day that was

juicer1165's picture

Bro!! That is a f***ing awsome collection of gear from differs sources. Pretty friggin cool. You def get a +1 from me

yeegits's picture

thanks bro !

yeegits's picture

haha soon enough