STREETGLIDE12's picture
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Gear in question

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STREETGLIDE12's picture

Look I agree IF I was the only one saying it. There is others I read on here. Plus we are talking Testosterone. I didn't make specific claims other than I felt it was underdose and my pic says "IN QUESTION".

How many years have you been pinning Test? You use 500mgs a week for over 5 weeks and 650 another couple weeks.

No bump in strength, oily skin, wood, ambition to lift, slower recovery, drop weight a few pounds, lower BP, no AI needed when accustomed to using Aromasin, no bloat at all. All this experienced by a person with Tenure.
Plus someone loyal to none and clean posting record.

I shouldn't post this scenario unless I have bloods? I get we can't have people running around in here making claims without hard proof for others , however my claim is nothing more than my experience with this specific gear and I'm claiming the above is going on.

If exactly the opposite happened and the gear is great shouldn't these situations also call for bloods to prove it also. I

STREETGLIDE12's picture

I read through a bunch of reviews what a bunch of clowns. Look at how many bloods were done and the remarks made were still suspect to the OP.

Look as I said so a couple guys are pissed off because I said this gear seems underdose by a legit user who has been pinning over a decade. What does the bottle over half used matter? If I posted this two weeks ago the remarks would be I didn't pin enough. Plus morning wood was one of many sides mentioned not there.

To answer one gentleman's question. I was on another sources Test C . Want to run some Sus and mix it up as usual. I started pinning Sunday and Weds 250 each time. Because I was just starting Sus I wanted to give it some time to build up levels since I was only cruising on 250 every 10 days with one hormone.

I mentioned earlier what I usually expect in sides but nothing changed in 5 weeks. I bumped up to 375 per pin and hence not any changes. Actually my weight dropped a few pounds, BP went down a tad and again stopped the AI due to drying out and sore joints.

The usual clowns here will blow smoke and bury the truth with nonsense as I've seen time and time again with other reviews and bloods. Plus make a joke out of everyone that doesn't play by their rules. My motive is simple your cash from this source I NEVER posted anything I wasn't sure of. I have no respect for so many on here. It's a shame I had to waste my time.

STREETGLIDE12's picture

I have no reason to discredit this source. As far as bloods I don't really care. Any subject that I have 10 years of being involved in MOST people would call that experience. I'm sharing what just happened on this gear after countless pins of Test.

As Rusty thinks didn't happen, well look around this forum isn't my life just a vehicle to get what I need. I refuse @ 57 years old to get in a pissing contest. Enough said.

keytech's picture

It is pleased to hear about some intelligent member, 20 ml of testosterone at 300mg / ml costs $ 8 to a factory

STREETGLIDE12's picture

But he isn't growing the raws in his back yard. Any idea the hassle and cash involved getting it in here. Tack it on to your five dollars. Plus risks and loss . Make it stretch is the underdose motto.

ZeusProdigy's picture
TRTdude's picture

It's more than halfway, of a 20ml vial...

STREETGLIDE12's picture

Keen eye my friend....that fact alone proves something right? For the life of me I wouldn't know what.
Got it the amount gets less with each pin taken out.

STREETGLIDE12's picture

Then ignore it...unless you are vested in this SOURCE ......SIMPLE

STREETGLIDE12's picture

Now think hmmm what's his motive for writing this......think hard bro.

STREETGLIDE12's picture

Same here....thats why only bought two. Got a couple vials of winny but another story.

Bjmoney85's picture

Well glad to know mol is a Floridian to lol!!

wanted's picture

Well on his defense it doesnt give his 50 year old body a hard on in the morning LOL

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STREETGLIDE12's picture

No defense needed bro this body at 57 can put I bet a bunch of these clowns to shame.

smudgespot's picture

U bitch about one guy being too young.. Now ur bitching about another guy being too old.
Your sometjing else.
Ur a shill... A CLASSLESS shill at that

wanted's picture

Show a picture smudgie

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smudgespot's picture

Ur embarrassing yourself.
Youve been exposed.
Be well...

wanted's picture

I definitely dont embarrass myself when i look in the mirror you fool LOL. Dont be scared you got called out. Put up a picture. Sorry if you look like a smudgie on the beach bro but come on you keep bringing me up in convo.

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smudgespot's picture

First off... Im ALMOST done with u
Your THE ONLY one asking for pics OF ME... For what reason.. I dunno.
This is foolish.

wanted's picture

Okay heres the deal. Leave me outta your mouth
And when im done wiping this smudgie i will flush and you will be outta my life

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smudgespot's picture

Ummm no...
As long as your a shill... You DESERVE to be outed.
Am I supposed to be scared of an internet fight??
Lol.. Ur a funny fellow!

wanted's picture

Its not a fight. Its a pic up or shut up
Best way to handle things around here.

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smudgespot's picture

U reply back in lighting speed usually... What's the delay in ur answer to my question?
Inquiring minds wanna know

smudgespot's picture

I'll GLADLY post a Pic of me if u can tell me how it how it would answer any of the questions I asked... Or points I've made.
I don't need your expert coaching Ronnnie Coleman.
So I don't see why u need a Pic of me.
Explain it to me like I'm a 12 yrs old EXACTLY why u need to see a Pic of me
You porb won't even respond to this

Bjmoney85's picture

Pics bro ! Good bad or ugly it all keeps us humble around here! I had lost my way a while back and posted up a terrible pic of myself, couldn’t believe how bad I had let myself get. Everyone here for the most part wants to help and encourage you, sometimes we have to sort through trolls and other nonsense. So I don’t think a pic is to much to ask. Peace broskie

Bigcory802's picture

Posted on SI page thinks gear is underdosed!! No results on it.

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