suzy b MRS viking's picture
suzy b MRS viking
  • 117
  • PRO

+ 9 Gaining nice and steady.


From being ripped to the bone on the last pics we have a small window until october to add a little more density,i have been hitting quads and hamstrings really hard before dropping back into the diet again in 6wks time, hopefully when i cut back these bodyparts will show even deeper cuts than last time due to the extra new muscle, also viking was not happy with upper lat width so that area has been targeted also,looking at the pics it seems to be working so i am happy with the 7lb weight increase and luckily not getting too far out of shape to make the diet a nightmare,roll on october i cant wait Smile

steveless's picture

I love this pic

Juicin14's picture

good god look at the veins poppin out on your back!

trainbrain's picture

Looking very solid but sharp, I like what I see. Thats a crazy back!!! Its going to be a cup of tea for Vik to get you dialled in for oct.

Guysmiley's picture

Great rear delts which is always nice to see.

eire77's picture

hard graft for a body carved in stone Smile lookin really good suzy always look forward to see your pics !!

djjaysun's picture

Wow you look hot! My wife works out a little. What would you suggest for a woman to try for there first cycle?

datman's picture

damn suze lookin good. you can definaely tell the increase in muscle mass. congrats on the pro tag Smile you deserve it!!

Colossus_fit's picture

extraordinary body! totally respect you =)


Got some real fine detail showing in all areas! looking like a biology chart babe...rear delts look amazing too new back workout is doing its thing without a doubt.

Quads look massive and still quite lean and vascular... hams look like steel cord.

justaguy's picture

Damn fine work Suzy! You are very lean & muscular... Before too long you'll have a whole clique following you asking for advice. Where the sign up sheet? Lol

subs33's picture

Suzy, is very skilled at her training and diet..I would pay to have her train me if she was in my area..

subs33's picture

I can see the 7lb weight increase and its mostly lean tissue...Viking already has his students. Do you mind if I pick your brain in a PM..Im studying female muscle and i could use some advice myself. The cost for food is not a problem fo me at this point in time, so if its allright may i pm you and ask a few questions...I have msus504 working with me on a proper meal plan aswell.

That 7 pound gain, is blowing my mind...5 pounds a year is good progress, you gained it faster.


I reckon half of it is just from eating properly after the shows bro... the rest is from diet and a tiny dose of bold and our trail and error 4wk use of 10mg d.bol ED.

Check out the post vikingsteins monster in cycles for the breakdown bro.

markymark's picture

dont 4get her trainer...u should thank him/her ;) lol u guys rock...keep up the good work such a inspiration to the MM !!!!!!!!!!!!

markymark's picture

as always NICE!!

AlphaUnit's picture

Ripped to the core...awesome Suzy

dieseldup's picture

That guy V, he knows what he's doing.

Carlos Danger's picture

Omg that back shot just made me feel like a chic:-) u look chiseled out of straight marble. I am so proud of u Suzy! I can see the mass u added. Damn good job sister. Can't wait to see the next set of pics

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bigdaddy1690's picture

looking awesome

roidsseek's picture

suzy you've done a great work! you are looking great

Vindictive1's picture

Look amazing keep up the good work!

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