gtlogan's picture
  • 7

-17 for you gorilla


gorilla thinks hes bigger than me pmsl and he also thinks if he aint he could be within 16 month

eire77's picture

Why do this ? Seriously sad bro:-)

Pushit's picture

What a jerkoff & to get caught out. Heres a whole bunch of Logans pics.

On a side note im pretty certain this guy has had gyno removed in the past.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Five bucks says we won't see gtlogan again. Lol.
I fricken love it when people post photos of who they aren't and get caught. That shit has some serious healing properties.
I probably won't even kill a hooker tonight.

jimboe85's picture


jprizzle's picture

post your pics again with you holding a piece of paper that says eroids. cough bullshit cough cchhmmm.

AlphaTiger2011's picture

X2 I remember when the insperctor posted some pics that apparently wasn't himself who knows but I know he helped alot of people out.

Fullypumped's picture

Lol I wonder what happened to him...

jprizzle's picture

yeah i remember him

youngtricep98's picture

givin this dude a -1 for impersonating. i doubt its dean. giving out shitty advice is something i doubt a seasoned bodybuilder would do. GTFO

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks, It makes me feel like all the work has been worth it when either an IFBB Pro calls me out, or someone feels its worth posting pics of an IFBB Pro to compare to me! Didn't do too well in the Arnold Amateur last year though! Is that why your here to learn? LOL ;-P
If "You" see this Dean, sorry just messin wit gtlogan here!

House's picture

Hes calling you out Gorilla!!!!!!!Your a fckn beast gtlogan!!!!!!!

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 3
Gorillafit's picture

He posted pics of Dean Lesiak, an IFBB Pro!
You see he took down his AVI pic.

flexo's picture

Damn detective Gfit , caught this guy posin hard red handed . Good job

If he puts a pic like jprizzle request with a up to date paper i will apologise

ac89's picture

vascular as f&%k bro

Darktide's picture

Well if he is Dean Lesiak he obviously has no desire for anonymity. And if he isn't any credibility he had just went down the drain. Nothing worse then being a bad liar if you are going to lie then don't get caught. So if you are Dean Lesiak you might as well put some new unpublished pictures that can't be found on the web. Because you are about to enter a shit storm that isn't going to end until you fess up. Not to mention the apology you owe to Gorillafit

Gorillafit's picture

Whether he is, or he isn't, he needs to get his info straight and stop trying to make people look bad!

Darktide's picture

Agreed. But might be to much to hope for lol.

fast48's picture

I thought he was talking about gg-Waldo??

Gorillafit's picture

Nah, Me! I been calling him on all the shit talk he's been doing on BD's page, trying to make people look bad/foolish with parroted inaccurate information.

fast48's picture

Ahhhh!! Another one of those types.......smh. Can i clip art a really tough picture too? I'd look like the "wolf" ifbb pro.

Gorillafit's picture

Once again wrong info. I did say I got where I am in 16 months and you probably have dedicated your life to it. And in another 16 months I'd be bigger than you. And regardless of how big you are or I am you still don't know what the hell your talking about and try to make people look bad! And those arms still don't look like 3 times bigger than mine. Currently 17" (due to injury) x 3 so yours would need to be.... stay with me here big guy its just math.... 51".
So are you actually Dean Lesiak? or just decided to post his pics?

Detroitnate's picture

good call bro with the Dean Lesiak looked him up those are his legs lol

Gorillafit's picture

Its not like I know all the bodybuilders, he left the names on the pics! LOL ;-P

Cocky75's picture

haha that is the funniest shit ever, look at the big hairy ape going all CSI on his ass.

Cocky75's picture

Damn nice catch bro. Using fake pictures, should have known because all this guy has done is talk shit and not posted one single piece of helpful information.

Thor's picture

Impressive. I think bodybuilder (the MOD)has competition on vascularity

fast48's picture

Daaaaamn! F-king Of huge!

manbearpig's picture

what the F!? you are so massive and shredded. wow man. are you a pro bodybuilder? if not you ought to be. congratulations. very impressive physique!

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