Wildling's picture
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I’m late on posting… received two Saturdays ago. The past week or so has been brutal with work. Got in on some of eighty7’s masteron. With my training mostly being a push/pull/legs routine and a ton of grappling in between, test/npp/mast will be my base until I get to a good spot physically again. Looking forward to running this soon.

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HarleyDavidsonEagle's picture

Curious to why you choose to run DHB here ? Looking forward to your reply sir . What changes did you see with it ? Fat Loss ? extra vascularity ?

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Wildling's picture


He would be the one to ask.

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HarleyDavidsonEagle's picture

I thought i pressed the other thread reply button ! Thank you ! Keep me posted on the Mast ! Looking forward to trying some maybe

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Wildling's picture

No problem! He’s a good dude, I’m sure he’ll respond sooner or later.

I hope to be able to run it by November. Everything is on hold until the wife is pregnant.

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SeeOhShow's picture

Running a test/DHB/mast/NPP cycle right now. PPL with sports in between just like you. Cycle makes my body feel 10 years younger. Love it. DHB doesn’t lower my estro but definitely raises my BP, so I split my DHT load 50/50 between DHB and mast. Doing exactly what I want it to.

bigred250's picture

That’s what I’m finding about the DHB -BP increase accept mine does influence e2 some. Just got bloods and 750 test, 450 DHB and e2 was at 78.

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SeeOhShow's picture

Bet you’re strong and veiny as hell though. I felt like I had a constant pump when I ran DHB that high. Probably appeared so veiny because of all the extra pressure running through them Lol

bigred250's picture

Yeah man the fullness and veins are nuts. This the most powerful cycle I have run ever and people can tell lol. The drugs are def working hehe

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Wildling's picture

I’m curious about DHB but if I react to it like Bold Cyp, I would be in bed for three days lol

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SeeOhShow's picture

Can’t imagine having any issues with 87s DHB. Even more so at 100 mg/ml. When you get in the 150-200 range the pip can get dangerous. Plus mixed with all that other stuff in the barrel it gives me no pip at all. Different brand though. But I consider who I buy from and 87 the same. Can’t get any better than perfect. I’ve used 87s TNE and that gave me zero pip even pumping a full cc into the quad. He’s got his brewing down pat.

Wildling's picture

I’ll have to try it in the future now. I remember when it was just 1-Test Cyp 7-8 years ago, but I was a poor boy then lol.

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MEXVOL's picture

2 time used his masteron great gear

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Drexyl's picture

Good sauce right there.

Wildling's picture

Eighty7 is one of the best dudes on here. He, Badger, and Uncle Yoked got me into this scene.

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Knowyourrole88's picture

Yea he's a really good dude just don't be a dick and get on his bad side bc Ive seen him tear a few ppl a new one lol. And I love his carrier oil his gear is great and I personally never had any pip or lumps or like test flu from any of his gear ill always be a customer and I love his gear.did Mention if you get to know him he's a really great guy and THE fastest shipping I ever had multiple times. I don't ask for tracking numbers no more but let me tell you I turned my best friend onto 87 about 3 years ago and then he moved to vegas.btw me and him me East coast him west the longest me or him ever waited for a package was 6 days. You just need to follow the easy instructions.

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Wildling's picture

lol I don’t even ask for tracking in domestic. That turn time sounds right as I’m in Florida.

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Drexyl's picture

Mid Atlantic area?