Bagman's picture
  • 187

+ 7 ****Dubs back order redemption pics ****


What ur looking at are 3 kits of lab tested by angus hyge black tops! These are from a rip preorder where rip production ceased so dub agreed to give me Hyges instead, anybody that's an eroids regular knows the gg situation and I give dub credit for standing up like a man and making it right and not being a coward and goin dark like a lot of src do when faced with a little animosity! Thanks dub for bein a man and I know there's others that will be as happy as I am in the end!

Ordered from: 
Older School's picture

Glad you got yours, bro. +1 for that.
Still nothing on my end, but I don't expect anything at this point.

KK9111's picture

Glad he is still sending orders

Bagman's picture

Thanks fellas fer all the comments I'm pretty confident everyone will be served, dubs told me he's gonna bust his ass till every last order is filled, so hang tight there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Optimus Prime's picture

Good bro glad you got yours!!! Hopefully the rest of us get ours, this is a good sign. +1

Bagman's picture

Thanks bro ull get served I'm positive u will!