Gorillafit's picture
  • 1.3k

+ 5 Delts Tonight - from Shredded to Pumped


What a difference a few hundred reps makes! LOL ;-P

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Theophany's picture

I love the pic on the right brother G! It portrays perfection! Exemplary work and an outstanding physique!

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Brother! The anterior heads are coming up nice, just wish I could get the upper chest or chest in general to catch up. I been doing a lot more incline pressing and fly work but I have a small chest and the Delts just take over. Lil by lil I'll get there!

Theophany's picture

Oh yes you will!

Gorillafit's picture

Yes Sir, I'm learning more about how my body is reacting to different Nutrition and exercise methods everyday! In better shape now than I've ever been in my whole life!

Theophany's picture

Brother G, we are approximately the same age, and your physique has definitely surpassed mine! Thanks for being my inspiration! Your love, sacrifice and dedication to our beloved sport is most evident.

Gorillafit's picture

I appreciate it brother but you still have me on back and chest IMO. But I'm not done yet! LOL ;-P

Theophany's picture

We'll agree to disagree! Lol Smile

Gorillafit's picture

Agreed for now! LOL ;-P

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks, I think their my best feature!

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Ace, saw your pics the other day, your a big boy!
Mrs.Fit and I hit the delts from a lot of different directions.

meister's picture

Nice Bro!


Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Meister! Gold's Gym Mirrors always make me look better! LOL ;-P

humpnpump's picture

Looking younger and more vibrant each pic GFit pretty soon Mrs Fit is gonna have to start changing your diapers if you get any younger.

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Gorillafit's picture

LOL, nah I'm no longer incontinent since I stopped drinking!