Vector33's picture
  • 5

-2 Day 7 cycle


1 Yr since lifting due to surgical recovery. Day 7 of cycle. 300T-E, 400Mast.

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Sam I Am's picture

Lol he’s ran a cycle before and still looks like that...

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BJ's picture

I would really focus on fasted cardio daily, eat cleanAF, make a realistic vision/goals of how you want to look at the end of this, & take another pic in 8 weeks! Probably would have been better to wait a little before starting the gear, but since you did! Bust ass

Vector33's picture

I appreciate the advice. I am upping the cardio beyond martial arts to biking in the cold. Yeah I just got a juicer and there is always room for improvement on diet. Thanks will do!

wanted's picture

Thats it !!!!! How about the treadmill full incline. Or the stepper. Losing weight isnt fun. Its work that long over due on your part. GET AT IT

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steroidmen's picture

upload pic when 777 day

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Vector33's picture

Nah only plan on doing one cycle here and a proper pct. It's a basis for comparison pic bro. I am not one of those people that only posts pics when they are in their prime..

Sam I Am's picture


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LexMentis's picture

Man, you would be wise to listen to what everyone else is saying here.

PPGfreak's picture

You have almost no muscle on your frame and you actually have a higher percent of body fat based upon your abdomen area. Why would you possibly think you need to start steroids? You are a minimum of two years away from needing that.

Vector33's picture

Not according to people who've seen me in person. It's always been between a 14.5-19 and may be a 19 or so atm due to holiday meals. Well man I have 2 docs that disagree. I've been told by both I need to kick start my T and I am following their advice, thanks.

PPGfreak's picture

You are definitely in between 25 and 30% and nowhere near 19. And you’re telling me you have two doctors that are recommending that you take 300mg of testosterone and add in 400mg of Masteron?

The doctor saying that you have low testosterone and that you need TRT is one thing. Saying you need to “kickstart” your testosterone with testosterone makes absolutely no sense.

Listen, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you reach her goal but you’re not going to reach your goal with testosterone and masteron in your current condition. The fact is you only need half that dosage of testosterone in the master and is going to do absolutely nothing until your shredded are ready. Then it will harden you up and make you look better. But by the end of the cycle you will not be shredded.

Vector33's picture

Uh, maybe because people often do weekly updates on their progress man..

Not yet so much, but it serves as a basis of comparison, yeah?

Good for you. I appreciate the advice there. I am just taking 6.25mg of Aromasin x2 weekly and may drop it once the mast loads.

Vector33's picture

For sure and I can see how it looks. I got extensive blood work done and it's all good to go. I wasn't prescribed the TRT (200 initially then 300 afterwards) till I got a lot of blood work done. I am doing what the doc I trust the most recommends. It's a matter of patience and perseverance. it'll all come together just fine.

LexMentis's picture

Your doc recommended you take 300mg of Test and 400mg Masteron?

MangoPlatypus's picture

Did you go from no gym for a year straight to steroids?

That’s not really a good idea..

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Vector33's picture

No not all. I did some PT first then moved on wards under professional supervision.

stairmaster's picture

I don't think that u need gear, rather food.
Stay focused and work hard, trust me you'll reach your goal!

Vector33's picture

Thanks I appreciate it. I think I just need some grease under the wheels this one time here then the train will be moving and I'll never need any gear. Thanks for that! I'll work hard at it.

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