Vonkluck9's picture
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Current, New to eroids, Start AAS this fall?


Hey everyone,
Just getting back to lifting after 5 weeks off. Lost about 8 lbs. Absorb as much information about AASs and hoping to begin my first cycle this fall.

Height: 5'7"
Weight: Currently 152lbs, Typically 160lbs

NYMoto1's picture

I would do Sustanon (2) per week and D-Bol@40mgs daily fuck dieting, eat everything in site except fast food, good wholesome food, BEEF Rice etc. If you can not grow on that simple stack ya ain't gonna grow.

jprizzle's picture

you look pretty ripped for only weighing 152. you look like about 185

jimboe85's picture

No serms bro? Why wouldn't you tell him to do pct?

Vonkluck9's picture

I don't generally like to max man especially bench. Hard on the joints and tend to be scared to get injured when I am at my highest potential.

power_house's picture

what he is saying is max out your body potential before going with aas, like getting a diet together to put down like 4000+ cal. see where that takes you before you start using aas. you might like the results and maybe hold off for a year

Vonkluck9's picture

im an idiot.