Diesel77's picture
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+ 5 CrazyDoser Vermodje, BP and SP


Wanted to try the New Line Vermodje TestPhenylPropionate. Grabbed some more Balkan Test&Deca and SP Parabolan to add along with what I currently have. Thanks CrazyDoser!

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boz645's picture

Nice, it's been a while since I've used either one of those labs. +1

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Diesel77's picture

Thanks bro, top notch quality and has never let me down. BP and SP has become my go to when true human grade gear isn't readily available and hard to trust due to tons of counterfeits.

Diesel77's picture

Facts bro. Can't go wrong with either one

press1's picture

Vermodje were the first lab I ever ran - Ordered some Prop and Enanth from an International when the vials use to be brown! Great times .... I was stupid enough to believe the big propaganda video back then that another Lab were behind to try and get rid of them LOL Tone will remember it too lol

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Diesel77's picture

I honestly was not a fan of the amber OG Vermodje. Didn't like it and the test results weren't so great on common compounds from what I remember. They had really good dbol tabs....naposim, but most of oil solutions were so so.

press1's picture

Thing is I was so new to gear at the time that it felt great to me LOL Even if it was only 50% hormone it still felt better than my natty levels before that. I think I got 2 props and an enanthate. I was desperate to try the naposims as everyone said they were the best Dbol on the market but then vermodje disappeared off the face of the planet soon after. I am pretty sure they were losing Balkan a lot of business at one point they were so popular. Dodgy place over there though, I can imagine the gangsters running the show.

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Diesel77's picture

Facts Press. I was put on to a crazy rumor about moldovian govt officials with their hands in the cookie jar and supposedly a son runs the show and pulls the strings when it comes to the AAS black market there. Sounds plausible and not too farfetched the more I think about it lol

Bill1976's picture

Hey diesel. Let me know what the vermodje is all about and if SP is still the same quality as years ago

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Diesel77's picture

Eager to try the new line Vtpp too. SP in my opinion is one of the most consistent UGL, never seen a bad test on SP. Used it plenty over the years I used to get it from Greece I've been through the label changes and quality has been consistent. I got a nice variety of SP compounds on great discount recently check out my pics

Bill1976's picture

Thanks. That will be a lab I will try soon. Gotta wait for this injury to go away first.

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Diesel77's picture

No sweat bro. Can't go wrong with SP. Consistent premium quality gear. Painless injections and smooth oil solutions. Hope the foot continues to heal nicely and you recover sooner than time doctor projected.