Badgoat1's picture
  • 199

+ 11 Coming back from a bad few years


First off let me make clear I'm not posting these for any kind of karma points or anything like that. I've been here a long time and never have been that way. Alot of people have helped me and I feel maybe this time I could help others that suffered from traumatic time to see that it does heal and you can come back. So long story
In April of 2019 I had attempted suicide was found and spent a week and a half in the hospital. Got out and tried to live a normal life, went to the gym occasionally but wasn't motivated as I was before. In Sept 2019 my mom needed help paying her bills so me and my fiance moved in and helped out gained a bunch more weight there because of how she cooks. May 2020 my long term gf of 7 years decides she's done and moves out. This is right when covid shut downs were hitting and gyms were closed so I was taking out my frustration on food. Started dating again in Sept 2020 at my therapist advice and of course dating means dates, out to eats and more weight gain. Every time something would end I'd get in the gym Hard for a few weeks until I got a new girl then the cycle started all over. Until Jan 2022 when I met who I thought would be a long term partner so I focused on working on that and got even worse. Then she turned out to be a not so good person and left in June. Kinda depressed bounced around during the summer and in September just woke up one day feeling much better and decided to take my life back. Got back into the gym very weak and winded, started dieting weighed 270lbs at the start. Lost some good weight in the first 2 months then stalled. Reached out for diet advice here and got help. And the second pic as of Wednesday February 15 2023 is 226lbs with abs starting to show. Am I ever gonna be as great looking as some of you guys probably not but here to show the guys who's have a bad run that the wounds do heal and that you can comeback. Anyone who needs support or help please reach out to either the forum or a friend or even me if you feel there's no where else to turn. Good luck and let's all keep rolling on our journey.

Makwa's picture

Things look like they are really starting to shape up. Keep up the good work. Keep taking photos. That is good motivation right there.

kth3446's picture

This is the kind of stuff I really like to see, I'm kind of on a low myself but because of that I'm incorporating cardio like I never have every day to try something new. I never would have considered yoga until I realized how it can improve mental health and how challenging the more extreme versions are. A combo of that and 3 min bursts on the heavy bag as many as I can complete in 30 mins have been huge in improving stamina for my weight trainin and general overall mood.

JEX30Sex's picture

You have perfectly respectable muscular dad bod my dude! It's been my experience that the ladies love it. Keep on killing it.

KickNJim78's picture

Looking good man!

boz645's picture

Great progress, keep going, you got this. +1

Owes a Review × 1
MEXVOL's picture

Good job keep going

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FJB's picture

Awesome job brother!!!

Pumped_'s picture

Common denominator and moral of the story, dating and relationships was your downfall and soon as you started focusing on yourself and not feeling you need a mate to make you complete you seem to be on the right path. Im married but you may say how can i speak a piece but ive been thru the same cycle as you minus the weight gain. Moral of story for everyone, Someone will find you so focus on your goals. You may have met someone already or not but great job coming out of the muck. "The only person who is going to do for you is YOU!"

press1's picture

Well said - finding your own happiness and contentment first is the most important. You can't spend your life constantly trying to make others feel happy, they have to find that for themselves.

In a promo × 1
press1's picture

Brilliant buddy - Very motivational Smile

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JakeKO's picture

Great job! Keep it up!

NeverskipLegDay01's picture

Nice job man ! Keep going and never look back. You just get to feel the impact of body composition and exercise on self esteem and well being during such times. You did great until here, now make it even better !