daveleeander's picture
  • 10



Supposedly Clenbuterol 40mcg

Ordered from: 
Dpstore's picture

So guys I have tested Eu lot number clen and it came back 36,8mcg tab I’m gonna post up the results

daveleeander's picture

I'll vouch for the Asian Clen. It is real and does what it's supposed to as a helper.

maddogg's picture

I took the same brand from a different source Lot # DPCLN-1903 exp 03/2022. Was a little worried about taking it because a lot of people were saying how dangerous it was. So I followed a ramp up protocol which I accelerated because I felt no sides. Went to 120 mcg in five days. Didn’t really feel hot or sped up at all. No shaking. I though well I drink a lot of coffee and take pre workouts so maybe I’m tolerant to stimulants. I did lose weight over the 21 days but I can gain or lose weight pretty easily and I know I would have lost weight with what I was doing anyway without it. I just took it because I wanted to burn more fat faster before I started my cycle. Always wondered if it was bunk since I felt nothing at 120 mcg, or if I just tolerated it well. First time user so I can’t compare with any previous usage.

Dpstore's picture
Dpstore's picture


Sorry but this one i have hard time believing on you i can believe there is product issue from the europe batch but asia batch its kind of impossible

when they make tabs batch they dont only 100,000tabs but 500,000 tabs so if that was the case same batch should get numerous complaints !

i can believe there is a probllem with the europe batch and from today we dont have that ! but your claim that exactly batch is not true!

i will challenge you to send a unopened bag to test and if it come back as you say i will pay your double up for all your expenses! shipping charge double labtest from simec or chemtox double purchased items cost double !

maddogg's picture

Like I stated. I didn’t get it from you but a different top ten rated source on here maybe top 5 at the time. I think I bought another one from yet another different top 10 source that would still be unopened would have to check lot number can’t right now bc I’m at work. Maybe I’m tolerant but I felt nothing at 120 mcg

daveleeander's picture

If you had never used clen before and took 120 mcg of real clen they would probably took you to the er with at least heart palps.

Dpstore's picture

Hello daveleeander

sorry our subscribe just got paid now!

I am actually very happy that you tested it but i wish you did it the proper way with a hplc

i would suggest you to send it to either simec or chemtox ill cover the cost and refund you if it come as fake !

i had a talk with DP office few minutes ago ! and they claim its not accurate and they only use left stock of clen they have now wich is impossible to be fake! but again i will take the responsibility to refund and pay all expenses there will be if you can send it to chemtox or simec chemtox is located in france http://www.labochemtox.com/en/home

simec is located in switzerland https://www.simec.ch/en/

as you can see im very open to have it tested it the proper way

daveleeander's picture

I will get it re-tested using the HPLC method, but it probably won't be at your recommended labs. As long as the lab is certified and uses the HPLC method, it should make no difference, but I'd just as soon it be an independent lab not yet picked out, and it be in the US.
I am aware of the difference in methods, but find it hard to believe that a spectrum for clen would be missed when hitting it with IR.
We shall see.
Thank you for your response.

Dpstore's picture

Have to be goverment approved lab so there is nothing to hide and a unopened bag please

daveleeander's picture

I'm not sure what you mean by an unopened bag. They will be certified by the US government

Pumped_'s picture

Thanks for getting back to him. I just had the same batch delivered but im hoping those tests are inaacurate. Whats the accuracy percentage of the tests he is using? My wife hasnt started hers yet but we will wait for further test results. Always had positive experience with DP and with your store.

Dpstore's picture

I just got a private message from eagertolearn that he tested promo anavar 10 came back as 13,5mg/tab

ill sending a bag for clen to test and will post the results no matter the outcome of it i hope the thread starter will do the same so we can compare it!

Pumped_'s picture

My wife is super sensitive and she just took 2 to test for me. Such a loyal guinea pig, i love her to death. If they are 2.6 then she would not feel anything, if they are good she is going to kill me and be jittering all day.

daveleeander's picture

I took 3 of mine and had no sides. I used to get the shakes on 80 mcg, but biggest side for me was sweating out the top of my head. I've had neither. That's what made me want to get it tested.

Pumped_'s picture

Well i will let you all know in about an hour. 40mcg gives her shakes and anxiety almost so taking 80mcg she is really going all out for us. True test lol

daveleeander's picture

Give her Karma for me

Dpstore's picture

Please accept my friend request I would like to offer you compensation and resend another clen bag from our other warehouse

daveleeander's picture

I would accept that as an honorable solution to our problem. Thank you

Dpstore's picture

Please accept my friend request

daveleeander's picture

Done. I travel for a living and had to leave to come north. I'm in a motel now and finally got logged in.

Livelife76's picture

What’s the word?

Pumped_'s picture

Not mad at DP Store, i believe them they were unaware. Dont feel anything at all she says. Should be having anxiety attack at 80mcg. She took on empty stomach. Been 4 hours and she only weighs 147lbs. Something went wrong with those Lot numbers. Unfortunately. It happens on occasion. I got her 2 packs for her birthday, but at least we know before she started way in her cycle to tell me

Livelife76's picture

The OP has been pretty calm and seems to know what he’s talking about so this was a rare occasion where I actually believed the labs from lower karma member. It’s good you helped confirm his case, definitely something went wrong and I’m sure DP will take care of those affected, thanks for info!

I stay away from clen anyway, not big on how it makes me feel. Anxiety is already high lol

Pumped_'s picture

Yes thanks. DP is already all over it. Still cringing cuz if that was bomb id probably be explaining to ambulance driver why my wife is having heart palpitations lol

Livelife76's picture

Yeah that dose would have my sweat sweating lol

daveleeander's picture

I'll tell you thank you for testing the right way (human reaction) but I want you to tell your wife even more thanks. I've done clen and thought later on I had done too much. The shakes and anxiety about killed me.
I'm Getting quotes on another test as they requested. But I spoke to the tech who did the IR test for me and she laughed when I asked her if she could miss the spectrum of Clen. She said no way.

China has been substituting just about anything for Peptides since the crackdown in January. After taking these tabs I suspected the same thing had happened here, although I was hoping this type powder wasn't included. Folk have had problem getting anything back for the bunk peptides, and only a couple suppliers are now trusted to deliver the real deal, unless you go compounding pharmacies and pay for it.
I'll see if DPStore still want clarification. I'll be wanting the testing fee, shipping, and my original payment for this junk, whatever it is.
Thanks again for the test

Pumped_'s picture

Im kind of glad it was weak cuz she took psudafed one time and was getting heart flutters and had to go to the hospital from work. She usually takes 20mcg but i told her if you take only 20 and nothing happens your only gonna keep wondering if you should have took 40 to test it. So start big so there is no question. Ive used DP Store a lot. They will take care of us, but the other test your taken will conclude. I dont know anything about those tests or i would test one also but too much for me

daveleeander's picture

So you trust DP store?

Pumped_'s picture

I trust them a lot. First of many orders was spring 2018 and been using them consistently. They have bent over backwards to accommodate me sometimes. I truly believe they were unaware and they will make it right with us or whoever else got that batch. Just keep your conversations about in PM with him

daveleeander's picture

OK. A HPLC test is about $500.00, and I'm hesitant to bite. I'm already out $225.00 for the first test (was told for the money and for what I wanted to know it would be best bang) plus the product cost. I'm searching for a cheaper place.

skydancer4's picture

If i were you i wouldnt do a HPLC test, the test that you did is ok, it is not as precise as others quantity wise but for testing what are the different substances there is no margin for error.

daveleeander's picture

That's what the tech told me too. I feel pretty good about the qualitative. She said the 2.6 mcg is as low as they can detect with that test, and that is why it is stated <2.6 because they didn't see any. Said there could be some, but it would be below their threshold.

As an aside, I may do an HPLC simply because I found one through some others on another board I'm on.
Seems the universities have some chaps that run these on various things quite frequently. Some are into various and sundry human enhancements, and have recognized a need for an inexpensive test. Kinda entrepreneurial service. I contacted one, and he said they could run one for $90.00, which is about 5 to 6 times cheaper the accredited big labs want for a 1 tab run and fancy report. These folk will provide a report of pertinent data. I may try it just to see. The community can stand to find places like this. Not everyone has enough money to check what they are putting in their body. Orals bother me from a liver standpoint. I like to know my chances of surviving.

Pumped_'s picture

Sounds like he is already working out something that will work for you both for right now. He is a standup guy and stands behind his product.

Pumped_'s picture

I have and using your dbol 50mg but i know no need to test them. I can feel and so can my buddy

Pumped_'s picture

I ordered same for my wifes birthday. Im watching to see how this is handled. Ill check lot number tomorrow

daveleeander's picture

Mine has lot # DPCN-1801EU, Expires 02/2021

Pumped_'s picture

Same here LOT: DPCN-1801EU
EXP: 02/2021

Muffins's picture

Almost purchased this. Thanks for the testing

Livelife76's picture

Good luck hopefully it gets cleared up, thanks for testing.

Unfortunate result

Pumped_'s picture

It seems its just that Lot number that came out bad i hope

daveleeander's picture

Then middle man needs to be taken out of the equation. The raws for this product is like test, it's too cheap to take the chance of getting caught doing just this. I hope the problem is found.

tattoofreak's picture

I never was disappointed with DP gear and I don't know anybody who was. I don't think it was purposely underdosed. But shit happens, maybe a bad batch?

IrishMack's picture

See if you can go back about 4 years ago. Noone used DP as it was severely underdosed. I hope this was a fuck up tbh because they were clearing their bad rep they had.

daveleeander's picture

I seriously hope that is what it is. If so, perhaps I can get some restitution on legit product. Otherwise I'm out and have to go through the whole process again. I'll definitely use a different source and brand till I get this hashed out

But under dosed I believe would be like 20 mcg instead of 40. This didn't have enough to be detected, which was 2.6 mcg

Pumped_'s picture

Yeah 2.6 is next to nil. Dont make sense, if someone is gonna counterfeit then fake the whole thing not out in tiny amounts. I have to side with DP until you do the test he is offering. I just got dnol 50mg and its great!

tattoofreak's picture

Obviously something is wrong with your tabs. But DP is a great lab and dragonpharmastore a reputable source. I'm pretty sure they will fix it and check out, where's the problem...

Btw: I gave you some karma back, which I've taken before.

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