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Bullylabs week 2 of prop150 1ml eod and start of cyp300 1ml every Tuesday and saturday


Prop150@1ml has zero pip and started working about 8 hrs after my first pin. Instantly noticed my libido increase after 8 hrs I had a rock hard on like cialis! My mood was improved greatly during the first week and I noticed an increase in strength, pumps, vascularity, and stamina after 3 days solid gym routines. Just started pinning the cyp this week so I will post pics after I notice it kick in with the prop. I've cycled Tuffs cyp300 before with a prop100 and dbol50 jump start but didn't post pics. Wish I would have so I decided to do it this cycle. I was off cycle completely for 3 months before this one. Did a pct with hcg..clomid...and letroz for 6 wks. Smooth sailing will keep updates any feedback please feel free

BigWA67's picture


rabbitman's picture

don't see a picture bro