cannycaan's picture
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+ 1 Bulking up- progress and woes!


Difference of 6 months between the pics .
I initially did a 8 weeks bulk using test E, deca , Dbol. I then completed a 4 week PCT and gave another 4 weeks rest and now i am
8 weeks now into another bulk (Sus , EQ) and planning to run this through 16 weeks. My bodyweight at the start was 74kg and now its 90kg
However my Body Fat got a little out of control so i've had to adjust the diet this week to try and cut out the crap calories, body fat percentage is currently sitting on 19%. and i feel i must have a couple of kg in water weight that i'm holding too.
I'm open to any criticism on here as long as I can learn from it! Should I carry on bulking or is it time to get the body fat under control and then bulk?

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HGHDaddy's picture

a very nice change and result for a period of 6 months!

Makwa's picture

You are on a hard road to recovery. Better have an aggressive PCT lined up and hope hope you haven't fried your HPTA. Need to take a lot more time off between runs.

cannycaan's picture

I had bloods done right before i started my second cycle , bloods looked fine , apart from 1 prolactin was too low.....yes too low? That was my own fault as i had a few tabs near the end of the deca test cycle , stupidity i know. But aside rom the low level of prolactin the test etc were all good and within range.

cannycaan's picture

and yes im definitely agree that im going to need a solid PCT. i rushed the second cycle on hindsight.

cannycaan's picture

I would be TRT if my test production was very low but the level of test on the bloods(done right before the 2nd cycle), was 23nmol/L out of a maximum of 29nmol/L and that was pretty decent according to the guys dealing with the blood tests.

ECinfidel's picture

An 8 wk deca run is basically a waste of deca. That long ester doesn't even start to pop until right around the time you stopped. Another 8 wks and you would've seen some great results assuming your diet and training were dialed in.
You've clearly added some mass. And thats great. But I think you may have short changed yourself a bit.also, I don't pct, as I'm on trt, but most guys will tell you to keep the time between pct/next cycle to the length of the previous cycle. 4 wks ain't much. Give yourself a break between runs. You're body will respond better and you'll thank yourself when you look in the mirror.

cannycaan's picture

great advice thank you, seems like everyone on here agrees I messed up by giving too little time between the cycles. lesson learnt. Thats what happens when you get stupid and want to get big in no time :(

Juiceface's picture

If I was u I’d sit myself at maintenance calories for a few weeks maybe even a month and add cardio let ur body adjust to the weight and clean up ur diet and hopefully shed some fat then keep pushing the bulk otherwise maybe even do a mini cut for 6-8 weeks definitely make sure ur diet and cardio is in check mate and should be good best of luck

cannycaan's picture

thanks buddy, you have a point and tbf I was thinking the same, keep at maintenance calories whilst including some cardio but i was probably goin to keep that to 3 weeks only and incrementally during these 3 weeks increase the cardio.

Juiceface's picture

No worries, take ur time with it bro sit at maintenance and let ur body adapt to this new weight and add cardio u should start to get leaner and maintain a solid weight then you’ll be comfortable to keep bulking one thing I learnt from my previous bulk is to take ur time with it don’t get to carried away with a huge surplus of calories because a lot of the time the faster u put on weight it will just be unwanted body fat also what are ur macros?

cannycaan's picture

definitely right about not overeating, i think thats where i done myself wrong in the first bulk, but you live and learn!
At the moment macros are 265g protein, 350g carbs, and 119g fats. I had a bodyfat scan done and using that with the physique goals, the nutritionist came up with these using some app.
Carbs will be coming down now though

Juiceface's picture

Yeah bro I 100% agree and that’s great those macros are on point keep the protein nice and high 1.5grams per pound of body weight should be fine and just fill the rest of the calories with healthy carbs looks like u know what ur doing so just be consistent and the results will come bro best of luck