Cofaxx612.5's picture
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+ 2 bodyfat percentage?


Trying to get a read onto run test only cycle or work at cutting more fat. I do know 15 is optimal....

I may be 15-18? It can be difficult for me to tell. Input please. The scales and hand grips I know are shit. Tells me 15on a good day. 19 on a bad. However I don't think that heavy. . Hoping someone more experienced can eye ball this.

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Cofaxx612.5's picture

I wonder if you might suggest bulking for awhile. Or continuing cutting until lower BF then the bulk. Gains on the cut have been lean and slowwwwwww. Cutting i feel like I've dropped quite a bit of fat this past couple years. I was closer to 25percent fat at 215lbs prior.
Only thing that concerns me is a higher bodyfat again. however have gotten much more effieciant in knowing how to cut/bulk using macro/calorie counting by raising/decreasing TDEE by a couple hundred cals until plateau. So I'm postive The fat percentage won't be as drastic as previously where I was sucking down 4000+ calories aimlessly. Gained a lot of size. A lot of fat too tho. Suggestions? Continue cut until low bf then bulk. Or try bulking at current BF. Thanks for the advice guys.

Makwa's picture

This kind of the situation I see you in. Not enough muscle base to warrant a cycle yet. I would knock off some more bodyfat first and then get on a proper bulk diet.

Cofaxx612.5's picture

Alright. Thanks brotha I'll get started.

Cummin apart's picture

Got to agree, EAT EAT EAT!
As long as you’re lifting heavy and hard those calories will go to good use!

Cofaxx612.5's picture

Got that I'm not going to cycle but as far as cutting bulking or recomping what would you say.

helloBrooklyn's picture

I say neither cut nor bulk. Slow and steady recomp all the way. You’re a perfect candidate for it. Patience pays off. That’s my opinion. See what others say

Cofaxx612.5's picture

I'm trying to clarify what you mean by recomp. You are suggesting test cycle for cutting as others have done. Or you are talking about diet maintiance with cutting techniques. Such as carb cycling and cardio. I'm not following what you mean by recomp. Thanks.

helloBrooklyn's picture

I’m not advocating any steroid use. Recompositioning is improving your body composition just by eating a balanced (not fad) diet around maintenance and using progressive overload over time to drive hypertrophy and burn fat concomitantly. It’s slow but worth it, and becomes less and less effective the leaner you are, which is why you’re in a good situation to use this tactic for the time being.

Cofaxx612.5's picture

Got it. Appreciate the feedback.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Roughly 18, give or take a digit. Not bad news; the higher the body fat, the easier to recomp.

+1 for the shorts bro, lol

GrowMore's picture

You're a lot leaner than most of the community.
Plus 2 from me for having the balls to upload a shirtless photo.

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Sam I Am's picture


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stairmaster's picture

I'd say 20-22%

Bearded_muscle's picture

I think you’re pretty accurate on your estimate, I’d say 16-18% That being said, please don’t run any steroids. You’ve got a lot of good healthy natural growth you can do before having to start sacrificing your long term health for greater gains. Realistically I see you being able to add another 40 pounds naturally. I’m your height and built 230 pounds naturally.

24hourbulk's picture

every one holds it different areas but overall id say your about right on your prediction.

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