posted Wed, 03/04/2020 - 21:11
+ 17 Bloods with DP gear
These are my bloods which I've pulled with DP testo:
On one pic you see my actual bloods with a cruising dose of around 125-150 mg test weekly. Bloods were pulled five days after last shot.
On the other pic you see my bloods from a few months ago, during blast with 400mg weekly. Five weeks in after switching from another lab and bloods were pulled 3 days after last pin.
I'm more than happy with these numbers and DP gear from DPstore is definitely g2g.
Lot:DPTE-1904 Exp:04/2022
Ordered from:
- Bookmark
- 17
- 0
Nice man, thanks brother.
Thanks for pulling bloods and sharing. I've been using Dragon test E to blast/cruise since July of last year and I love it.
Nice +
+1 ty have same lot number loving it at 125mg a week
+1 for testing thanks
Awesome, I have some of this. Thanks bro
Damn. Nice!!
Man of your word, thanks for sharing. DP sets the bench mark for UGL’s