Slowly's picture
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+ 1 Blood work.

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GreatSpear's picture

In my experience, as someone sensitive to e2, .5mg twice a week, was more than enough to control e2. Ari has a half-life of 46 hrs so there’s no need to take it every day.

Immortaltech's picture

I take 0.5 ed lol on 500mg test

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Immortaltech's picture

Ja ik ken er ook zo ene, heeft bold met 600mg test was het al genoeg voor hem, hoefde geen ai, ik denk komt door dht werking

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GreatSpear's picture

Made that mistake before! I tried 0.15 Ed and my e2 didn’t even register on my bloods. Luckily I had only tanked them for about a week tho. Felt great at the time haha hasn’t started any low E sides yet

Slowly's picture

I added 250mg (along with Ari) because I came from another cycle with very high E2. I waited for it to drop, so as not to hinder the recovery. It is also written in the post.

Slowly's picture

Taking 1mg was my choice. I know he has a long half-life. It had never happened to me before, maybe I was a little scared lol. Thanks for the advice

ECinfidel's picture

My man. I mg eod (for a cruise of 250 test e) is a massive dose.

boldenone99's picture

I was trying to do same thing as you couple months ago and used almost same protocol with arimidex as you and it killed my body flow and felt like shit lot of acne and my bones hurt.

Slowly's picture

Brother, how did you solve your problem? I have to start PCT but I can not understand how to handle ARIMIDEX, or if I can leave it. Physically I'm fine. Only a few nights I have felt a bit of fatigue, but it has passed immediately.