LaBahia2's picture
  • 94

Awesome Gear


About the 4th time ordering from this guy. Always comes through. Thank you

1 Mast. P.
3 Sust.
1 Test S.

Ordered from: 
LaBahia2's picture

I have been running 600EQ, 300 Sust. and 500 mast. P a week for about 8 weeks and it has been working great for me. Look great and feel great. I usually use the T. suspension for leg days.

PPGfreak's picture

I ran the same cycle last year but had some Tren Ace involved. Great cycle

PPGfreak's picture

How will this cycle look?! Lol

Bearded_muscle's picture

1200 sust, 500 EQ for 10 weeks with 400 mast for the last 5? Lol

PPGfreak's picture

Lol, let me guess it’s a ‘bulk and cut cycle’

Bearded_muscle's picture

HA the old bulker/cutter combo, solid cycle

herpjunkie111's picture

Hopefully he's got alot more EQ set aside, lol.

herpjunkie111's picture

On the lower end it's dosed at 500, but needs to be ran for minimum 16 weeks to get benefits. 20 weeks would be better.

herpjunkie111's picture

Zero times, however when/if I do run boldenone I will take the advice of the vets on this board with more than -9 karma and run it a minimum of 16 weeks since it only really starts to shine around week 8.

Good day sir!

herpjunkie111's picture

That's right, haven't ran it, but obviously way better at research than some other people.

And I said good day!!

PPGfreak's picture

I’ve ran it a couple times and wouldn’t bother with anything under 600mg. But he’s 100% right that it needs to be ran for longer periods. I don’t see anything for 8+ weeks so wouldn’t bother if my cycle was under 20