Growth191's picture
  • 7

Anybody here remember roxilabs?


I have 2 vials of tren from them, not sure if I should use it or not. Anyone use them before they went bad?

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italian92101's picture

Wtf!!!!! That's crazy.

Growth191's picture

Will do. Thank u guys, this shit is being thrown away

fbfreak985's picture

Don't! I pinned that stuff 3-4 times and my ass swelled up 1-2x out of the 3-4x. The gears no good either. Spend 50$ and get a brand new shiney bottle, with good gear in it lol

flacidego's picture

roxi?!? Throw that shit away. Don't even think of filtering it through a whatman. Bin it.

GrowMore's picture

Love the information eroids brings to the table. Imagine the community wasn't hear to tell you the brewer was a complete cowboy and you pinned that crap!


Owes a Review × 1
Goose24's picture

I heard it was a sterile coffee filter

italian92101's picture

Good old poison in a vial, remember a vial of tren somebody posted looked dirty bong water, with floating rust in it, roxi told him it was fine, might as well told to kill you're self!!!!

flacidego's picture

X2! I remember!

muscleman1687's picture

never heard this bradn before

Growth191's picture

Gotchu. Hate throwing out gear tho, cant help feeling like i'm wasting it yknow