Ivy Smith's picture
Ivy Smith
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+ 11 After baby pictures


I haven't ordered from anyone but they require a website name so I put in the only girl site I could find.

What I am now after baby:
Age: 32
Height: 5'5 hunching over holding the baby, normally 5'8
Weight: 185, at full term I was a hefty 210!
I am full of jiggly bits.
Picture throwing an egg at a window and watching it slide down, this is what I look like right now.

I had my 10lb son a couple of months ago, all natural, no drugs, I'm still awaiting my medal. This is my 3rd.
I'm currently nursing a 3 month old, 21lbs little monster. Pity my nipples.
I just had skin cancer removed so no outdoors for me.
I'm a translucent topical map of blue veins.
I'm all natural with the exception of TB500 which I take for cancer prevention and family related heart problems. Bless the soul that discovered that.

Please don't laugh too hard, I'm fragile.

Ordered from: 
win3200's picture

I know girls who are in there 20's, no kids and dont look as good as you. Much respect and appreciation to woman for doing what they do day in and day out.

UncleYoked's picture

Good for you, Ivy. My wife is expecting our third son the first of July and she's feeling pretty bad about herself. You girls definitely deserve medals for what you give us men. +1 for posting pics. You look great momma.

Cheatnnature's picture

Way to post em up! Your going to reach your goals and much much more! Very excited to see your progress over the year :-). Congrats on the new baby!!!

Demigod's picture

You look beautiful now!:-) I hopr you achieve all of your fitness goals for you and your family

alayna's picture

yr baby is only 3 months old and yr nursing and you have 2 other children.....ivy yr my idol....give yourself the credit you deserve one kid is hard enough! ask the hubby and or someone to give you an hour a day a few times a week so you can get your before baby body back...you deserve it! happy mothers day Smile

Ivy Smith's picture

Thank you guys soo much for all the encouragement!
I'm not gonna lie, it took me a hot second to get enough balls to post these.

I've been leaning towards going on hgh/ghrp2 (ran these a couple of years ago), but there are no studies on breastfeeding and taking these supplements. I would rather do it all natural but we'll see how much diet and exercise takes off, might need that extra boost down the road.

levelup's picture

You have bigger balls than mos guys here! 25 lb loss is already well on your way to your goal! +1

kodiakGRRL's picture

You have what I'd call Chutzpah! Way to go girl posting pics you look great and are on the road to even greater things ;-) (ps thanks for representing kodiak ;-)

levelup's picture


randys52's picture

Wow! You are beautiful and look great!

iheartyou's picture

A 10lb baby? Wow....I thought my son was big at 8lb 14oz :\ You are beautiful and you will achieve whatever you wish and work hard for ;) +1

Darktide's picture

I think it is great that you are posting the pictures now so everyone can see your progress. If you know how to do it friend request Hrdbodygrrrl, she would be great to help guide you in in this. +1 You already had a 3 children getting in the shape you want will be a breeze compared to that!

Ivy Smith's picture

And here i thought i had the little nugget. Lol

gatorbits's picture

Kodiak queen
^girl site
It's actually one of the absolute best USA domestics around. Male or female they take care of you!


Owes a Review × 1
bigJOHNstud's picture

def looking good for just having a kid!!! im sure if you stay dedicated you will achieve any goals that you strive for.....
dont take this the wrong way as i am married but i think its appropriate to say you are 1 hot moma.

Pmob's picture

Welcome !! Thanks for taking us for a journey !! Anything we can help out with please let us know !!

In a promo × 1
MAC's picture

Wow not bad at all for just having a kid! +1
Also, never knew that TB500 helped with heart problems, can u explain? Thanks

Ivy Smith's picture
bobbrown's picture

Ivy, About three years ago I looked like I was getting ready to have a baby ;) Oh, did I mention Im a man LMAO! The first thing I would do is find a great lotion! And use it every day. That will prep your skin and when you do what ever you gonna do it will not leave as many stretch marks and a oral vitamin E will help also! Second what I did was used a good meal plan (DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF) It will only hinder your plan and slow down your metabolizm. Im no expert by any means but I was far and I mean far worse than this and I had no excuse but that I was a lazy ass!! Learn to love water cause its gonna help alot! I think you will do great just stick with it!

Ivy Smith's picture

Its very hard to keep my diet in check right now because I crave sugars. Guess i am lacking energy so my body is wanting quick fixes.
People asked me what I ate while pregnant since he is the size of a one year old at three months... Meat. Rare steaks, chicken, fish loads of sushi (i got the doctors pass on that since I've had it as part of my diet before). Couldn't really stomach junk food.
Now if bacon was health food, i would be set!

bobbrown's picture

Diet is key.. As far as cravings of sugars I have found that as long as Im consuming complex carbs it really will keep cravings some what at bay. When I say this Im not saying you wont crave sugars at all but complex carbs keep your blood sugar at a good steady level without major dips and spikes. As time goes by it gets easier. Maybe this is just me but when I have a craving I keep raw almonds and walnuts on hand and it really helps I just eat them. I see you like the proteins but I can tell you the carbs are as important if not more important! You need them both as well as good oils! You need energy to workout hence you need good carbs. The link below is the most informative video about food that I personally have ever seen! Take the time to watch it cause I think it will really inform you about food and meals


LOKI 1's picture

Very nice the way you are.. but i understand! 80% diet & 20% exercise roughly. Good luck! Im not sure you need to order anything!

Ivy Smith's picture

I completely agree. I am so angry at myself for not listening to my friends when I was younger telling me to quit the tanning scene. Now I sport a big scar where the docs had to dig out cancer. It is eye opening!
Yay for Gingers!!!!

Drywallstar's picture

+1 stay focused and strive to succeed

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