everclese's picture
  • 147



This is after 12 weeks on test e from ab... I also used test p from bb after last test e injection and have 1 pin to go fri... then pct... I am 5'10" and I started at 170 and I am 195 now. I appreciate any feedback, and go ahead and criticize too... I need to hear it. thanks bros

themanmas's picture

honestly you made good gains man...did you run armidex or anything with cycle i know this is a old post how much did your lifts go up

ggame250's picture

cant say nothin bad you look solid as a rock you put on good size

Ludwig's picture

I'm about to hit my first cycle and I'm also going to go thru AB. How many mg of test a week? I'm going to be on 500 mg test-e/wk and 500mg EQ/week for the added collagen synthesis. Hopefully my results are on par with yours.

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everclese's picture

500mg/ week test e, and 100mg test p eod after last test e inj. for 2 weeks... Next time I am gonna frontload and prop into the same cycle... I think I can do better, I'm making myself take a mulligan.

eatbig's picture

You look like you gained pretty good in your traps and chest. Good work

Bigdawg201067's picture

yeah no doubt, you look great, good gains, i just ordered some AB cant wait to try it, what trap exercises are you doing?

everclese's picture

thanks bro,I try to keep things simple, core lifts mainly. My traps look the biggest after shoulder workout... military press, alternating dumbell forward lifts, bent over dumbell reverse flies... i'm adding dumbell milttary press... I do upright rows too, but they mess w/ my wrists when i go heavy. Once a week pullups wide gripped try to pull ur shoulders to the bar not ur chin... that's it...

eatbig's picture

Try the upright rows with a easy curl bar, the one with the funny bends in it. I feel like it puts way less strain on my wrists bc it puts them in the correct position.

Bigdawg201067's picture

thanks for all the info, i'm going to encorporate some of those exercises!!!.

everclese's picture

thanks bro

everclese's picture

I feel like I have a descent foundation... I need to lose about 5-10lbs in water and fat... but I will, and april or may I do my 2nd cycle w/ more cardio and a more calculated diet and hopefully I'll be able to actually impress myself?

everclese's picture

thanks man... I learned a lot about myself, what foods and exercise my body seemed to respond too... I want more upper chest and shoulders... I put a lot on in thighs and ass... My whole body got thicker... All I can say is More please!