tattoofreak's picture
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Aaster gear from RB


Yesterday my order from RB arrived. It's an order which was originally placed for DP gear in summer last year and was seized. RB kindly offered me a reship, but we skipped it a few times cause of pangea, holidays and corona. Since the Aaster shipping route for my country is the safer one, we now decided to change my original order and use Aaster instead of DP and RB promised that I can't go wrong with them. Gear looks pretty nice, just one thing makes me wonder. In 1 of 3 of the pro mass vials the oil is a little bit darker and the filling varies minimal, although it's the same batch number printed on the labels. Take a look at the vial on the right at the second picture.

Ordered from: 
lundgren's picture

The vial look great !
Test C + Bolde , amazing stack :-)

I think about this lab for test and primo.

Do you plan blood work ?

I hope a good cycle to you (•‿•)