Gettinit's picture
  • 186

+ 8 87 hits Again Way less than the 10 Days!!!


87 hits within 4 or 5 days when paying with Bitcoin!!! Fire as gear on point and labs to prove it in my profile!!! Thanks 87 for your consistency!!!

Ordered from: 
Knowyourrole88's picture

Yeah and bros don't be spamming if your package isnt there in 3-5 days it'll be there. They are number 1 for a reason and the weather last week and this week in the US has been the Worst all year all my domestic packages are delayed at least another 2 days and didn't update till it was in my state so don't worry 87 is the man his gear is solid price is solid and delivery and quality is top notch

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Ranger3252's picture

What is Pic Stitch?

Gettinit's picture

Its an app i use to crop the photo so it doesn't come out upside down or sideways

Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Are those old labs from 87s gear and GKs gear capped out at 3000, said u were doing 600mg test week for both. I just thought that was low, then realized what's the odds they both put you at exactly 3000.

Gettinit's picture

On 600 mg test prop from 87 it was above 3000 I don't know where exactly because that's as high as that test would go......

Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Ahh OK yes that was the question.
Alright yeah cuz I'm like what are the odds that 2 dietary times they're exactly 3000. Lmao. U were probably more like over 5000.

press1's picture

Cialis = Hell Yeah!!!
Viagra = Hell No!! LMAO

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Steeltoad777's picture

There's a reason 87 been #1 for years here. Enjoy man

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Pumped_'s picture

That used to be my motto in my woman chasing years. "I can hit in 10 days or less"

DeeMan's picture

pumped u get that medication yet lol?!!

Pumped_'s picture

Some valtrex?

DeeMan's picture


DeeMan's picture

And you'll be taking 10 different antibiotics for 10 days lolol

Stokes500's picture


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DeeMan's picture

Lol pumped better be careful. Anyways I see that from you alot.. what does Pmsl mean?

Stokes500's picture

Pissing my self laughing mate

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DeeMan's picture

I gotcha

Pumped_'s picture

"pissing myself laughing" i think

DeeMan's picture

Ok. That makes sense. Thanks

anvil's picture

Lol I like it