bigchips27's picture
  • 239

+ 19 6 weeks into bulk.


6 weeks into the bulk.
750 test e weekly
500 DECA weekly
100 mg dbol daily
5 iu soma daily
100mcg igf lr3 daily
Proviron 50mg daily
Using very low dose letro .5-1mg every other day.

I was using oral tren the first 2 weeks. Switched to dbol.

Since starting the HGH I've been eating like crazy. Too much to count.
I try to keep it clean most days , low carb except after training.

Sitting at exactly 220 this morning. From a usual 208lb
I'm sure its mostly water. I've lost a lot of definition in the mid section.

Gonna try and continue till April 1st.
Just gonna lay off the junk I've been sneaking in during my middle of the night cravings.

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boldenone99's picture


mannylifts's picture


Muscle Game's picture

Excellent work +1

mastercommand's picture

Great work your looking beast.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Looking good big guy!

Owes a Review × 2
sic26's picture

I went into time capsule checked your progress. respect for non Stop work ethic it was 2year ago. u still making progress and doing it very well. I guess I look at your pics as motivation they are some small changes even big ones but u still keep going. I for one struggle with thinking I'm going backwards sometimes so it gets discouraging but I have to dig down deep keep pushing diet diet is hard part Congrats to u Smile

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bigchips27's picture

Thanks man.
You in incredible shape yourself. We are our own wort critics. I look in the mirror and see the weak points, I know I've made progress, but there's still I want to accomplish. I understand your view. Its tough. Especially with the diet. What we can build in a year, we can destroy in a couple months with a bad diet and lack of motivation. I've done it a few times.
That's always the scary part for me when trying to out on some weight. Once the abs start disappearing a little, I freak out and cut it short.
Never know when that shirt is gonna have to come off. Lol
Thank you for your kind words. That's motivation enough.

robb's picture

Great physique, looking like it's gonna be a lean muscle bulk. Doubt you'll of gained to much fat, when the water drops off you'll know what you're left with and no doubt that will be some exel gains. +1

bigchips27's picture

Thank you.
I hope so. I plan on going till April. If I can keep it relatively lean, I might push it longer. Its always a mind F when that water starts covering it all up.

vhman's picture

I think you look better in your avatar pic. ;-)

Keep up the great work! +2

bigchips27's picture

Lmao. That was funny. Good one.
Thanks man!!

Pale's picture


bigchips27's picture


Muffins's picture

I like the use of letrozole with this cycle. Great physique.

bigchips27's picture

Ya, I actually feel better on a low dose letro than on any other a.I.
I haven't tested , but just by feel, I think its much better

Daddylopez's picture

Your chest is perfect bro, trying to get on your level +1

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bigchips27's picture

Thank you!! Just keep training. I always thought my chest was a weak point because my shoulders are so overpowering, they take over on every exercise.
I been giving more attention to it lately

bigchips27's picture

Ha, working on it. Thank you!!

bolt781's picture

For bulking that is very impressive! There is no smoothness softening the distinction between muscles. Your chest is pure nasty brother!

bigchips27's picture

Thank you. Its my 1st go with HGH, I think that might have something to do with preventing too much fat gain. Although Im my worst critic. So... Thank you for the compliment.

Usmc0987's picture

Dude that's the leanest bulk Iv ever seen ! You'll be shredded when it's time to cut.

bigchips27's picture

I hope so. I'm looking forward to leaning out with the hgh.

frazzle12's picture

looking Solid bro and so is your cycle it's making me get the bulking itch. lol Looks like your diet consists of abs and pex. Keep pushing!!+1

bigchips27's picture

Lol.. Thanks bro. I'll keep pushing it. I just don't wanna get to crazy with all this food.
I'm nonstop hungry. Its gotta catch up, right?
Lol. We'll see. Thanks again