gymmrat24's picture
  • 57

455 Pound Deadlift


This is me at 180 Pounds hitting a 455 pound Deadlift. No wraps, Chalk only, with a belt

My goal is to hit 500 by late November

Neil Peart 2112's picture

And No Wraps?? DDAAMMNN!!! Out Fu*kin Standing!!!!

ChoppyChoppum's picture

nothing beats raw power, your a beast!!

chemdogg's picture

Congratulations Bro. Good shit....

Best Steroids's picture

Awesome bro, at 180lb that is a great achievement, hell that would be a great achievement at any weight. You're an animal, well done!!

gymmrat24's picture

Thank you bro I appreciate it!

gymmrat24's picture

Thanks Bro I appreciate it

gymmrat24's picture

Thank ya my man! I have 10 weeks left of my cycle so I'll keep hitting it hard

Mekanik's picture

Nice work' I see some vibram choos ?

gymmrat24's picture

haha hell yeah,best flat soles in my opinion for squats and deadlifts

carnealsr's picture

Agreed really good for doing calf work also

Mekanik's picture

cool - I have wanted to try some too I like DL and Olympic lifts... size is 14 though. I have trouble findong any.. :/

gymmrat24's picture

I dont know if your in the US or not but my buddy has FILA's which are the same thing and they come in size 14's

check that out there cheap and real good shoe for that kinda stuff

Mekanik's picture

cool - thanks G - will check these out...

adonis's picture

Not sure what you do to train your dl but if you want to really get it moving throw in some rack pulls and nail the glute/hams.

Just wondering, how long u been training? I still have never done any gear but am looking at doing my first cycle. Deadlift has always been my best lift. I've pulled 633 at 215. I've been stuck in the low 6s for a few years now so I don't know what to expect after a 12 week cycle of test. Just frustrated with not making gains.

gymmrat24's picture

Thanks bro I'll def thro that into the mix

For deadlift I've only been training for about 8 months, started at 225 pounds and actually hit 480 for one rep this morning. Dead Lift has always been my strongest to since I have really long arms, I got up to 425 pounds for 3 reps with no gear and in the past 2 months on and off gear I've added 55 pounds to it and added some weight to my body to

But shit dude 633 pounds is ridiculous, esp for being 215 pounds, Your an animal! I am sure adding the right gear to your workouts will help you break that plateau but then again everyone might get pissed at u for taking every weight in the entire gym for deadlift haha!

Just research research research if you go down that path of using gear, I'm sure it will take you to the next level but honestly it sounds like your beast already!

7gothic's picture

That looks like a Sumo stance as opposed to conventional. I was never worth a fuck at Sumo.
Make sure you hit those abs hard, and vey light hyperextentions every three days to keep good blood flow to that lower back.

gymmrat24's picture

yeah I had to switch it up to a modified sumo stance to get more power since my arms are long as shit and kept getting in the way haha
and will do thanks for the advice!

notabangs's picture

Nice pull, keep it up!

...entered the dead-lift part of an event when I was 17, checked in & then went out for doughnuts... Smile weighed in at 182 and pulled 455 with ease sumo style. For years though I watched the guy I lifted with use nothing but a sumo stance yet for whatever reason my body just didn't get it....wasn't until about 2 weeks before the show that I switched from the traditional style, one day it just made sense....

gymmrat24's picture

thanks bro