justwant2bejacked's picture
  • 18

2 weeks left on cycle


Someone suggested i was eating to many carbs late at night, so i've adjusted my diet and thrown some winnie in to help solidify my gains and bleed out some water weight. i think its helped quite a bit. thanks crazyfmike. current cycle test e 500mg wk tren e 200mg wk
10 weeks total

Cassiousclay's picture

Carbs ain't the problem. You just need a better ab routine. With your upper body you should have an equally developed 6 pack. Don't adjust the diet. Just add regular, intense short duration ab routines. (with weight).
Nice work

kwabby6's picture

how did you like the Tren E? do you think you should've bumped it up or was 200 fine as it was?

justwant2bejacked's picture

Tern is incredible, I loved it. With that said ill never run it again. Can't sleep worth a damn, shortend my fuse like you wouldn't believe, night sweats, just not a pleaseant compound. But the results speak for themselves. 200 was plenty for me. Idk maybe I should just quit crying about the sides lol. Bottom line the shit WORKS! LOL

livingthedream's picture

looking good dude, good work

justwant2bejacked's picture

thanks bro.

killinit88's picture

Nice fucking gains man, put in work. p.s love how your face is covered in this one but not your others lol.

justwant2bejacked's picture

thanks bro!

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Lol i was thinking the same thing, looks much better bro you were holding alot of water is the other pics. How long were you on the tren for what about the winny did it seem like your workouts were a lil harder on the joints at all??

justwant2bejacked's picture

ya idk why i covered it this time lol. been running the tren the whole time. the winny i just started about a week ago, it does make you feel like the f'n tin man, but i also take fish oil and drink alot of water, plus the test kind of disguises the discomfort. doesnt really do much for strength or size, just helps dry you out and harden you up. i like it.