gucci19's picture
  • 111

11 weeks on test e./ the other one with yellow shorts...3 months ago.


this is how i look so far. 11 weeks on test e. and by the way. u can notice that the winnis didnt do shit to me. i dont look cut at all.. AB, and AAS, are the best...! 8 weeks on AB'S test e, and 3 weeks on TEST E from AAS.

Jgb2417's picture

This makes alot of since Deff agree here not trying to take anything from anyone but looked like you never seen a gym in the before. not trying to be a dick but aliens right. How much did you gain tho? Besides at that size you for sure dont want winny anyhow. Your frame everything you put on will show just eat clean and work your ass off. No need for tren cycles yet either seriously if your gonna juice keep it simple right now and you do the rest. ASS wont do it for you. ..... good luck bro

protocall's picture

Make sure you got your PCT.

gucci19's picture

nolva in hand bro..! tmrrw is my last week..

gucci19's picture

what?? im ready for what/ what r u talking about.? u dont make sense

adonis's picture

It makes perfect sense to me.

primonyc's picture

yea bro..i'm not an expert but i've been reading and researching for the past 3 years..and MOST if not ALL vets to this game will tell you to stay away from winny unless you're in a bodybuilding show. diet and cardio will get you where you want to be. get your diet in check, and it will be the difference. good luck, you're on your way there. stay safe bro.

gucci19's picture

thnax bro. and yeaa im not goona use winni again..

Jgb2417's picture

What was your diet like? Its prob at least 70% of the game for most anyways.

primonyc's picture

what's up bro, winny does not cut you up, no gear does. diet/cardio cuts you up.

gucci19's picture

i know. i do cardi every 2 times per week bro. and i didnt even see any effects from the winni.

jeckdesigns's picture

startin to swell up!