jdbeam1's picture
  • 3

1.5 months on GG's gear.


First picture is kinda crappy but it still shows how fucking tiny I was.. That was eating everything in sight and doing small workouts 3 times a week but with an ungodly metabolism and not strictly healthy food it wasn't doing much. Second pic is of me after a month or so on GG's gear and working out 5 days a week (M&F heavy workouts Tues-Thurs light workouts) and still eating 6-7 full meals a day (but much healthier meals.) Went from around 110 to 130 so far (that's also including a three week prep of almost killing myself in the gym before juicing, goal is around 150). Not trying to get huge or over do it but GG's gear + even better eating/workout habits def has me getting back in shape and feeling a shitload better.

Ordered from: 
anyti's picture

He says he had a fast metabolism and had trouble gaining weight. Is there something wrong with him jumping on the juice to gain some lbm?

readyman's picture

Yea so make sure you sheep it up boy.

readyman's picture

Yea sure thing zero karma. Popeboy I think is comparable, and look at him. Your just a naysayer bro. Regardless he has business or not he's chosen this path and its our job to afford him any experience we can. So go sit on your high horse and stfu. Peace.

avocado13's picture

Lol as if the popeboy name drop makes your argument credible.

readyman's picture

As if your derision makes my argument not credible.

Pushit's picture

Well said mate

Regardless of if this guy found this site or not the reality is these days & for years previous kids (if they could get their hands on them) would take steroids thinking they could put on quick size. Just as we have image conscious girls looking at the glossy model mags & doing anything to be slim we have the same amongst guys looking at massive guys in BB mags.

I was one of those many many years ago & if i would have had somewhere like here where i could have gotten firm yet friendly & encouraging advice i wouldn't have made some of the mistakes i did.

You have to realise guys its only once you have gained life experiences that you can than look back & say yes maybe i should have held off for a few more years. When your in the moment you don't have quite the same mindset do you?

Pushit's picture

You totally misread my post. Cant be bothered trying to dumb it down for you any further

readyman's picture

I also want to add just to maybe help you with perspective. My first cycle which was last year i jumped from 145 at 32 yrs old to 160 on one vial of sust that vets on here were calling bunk or underdosed. I then ran 10mls of ugl cyp and tren and went to 170. The most I had accomplished naturally was 155 and that was at burnout point. My second cycle was a monster as far as gear went and all i hit was 175. I also got cellulitis and then didn't keep the gains. Without gear i can plat out where i was with gear now. My point is you are going to see amazing gains this first go. You wont see them the next go unless you wait a year or so maybe. If you cycle more than twice a year right now you are barking up the wrong tree, really once a year. Your frame will continue to expand slowly but you are not a pro bodybuilder. Don't get addicted to rush bro. You can hurt yourself.

readyman's picture

As someone who has been in your shoes man i can say you are going to have detractors but you are being smart about this I think. Keep in mind fertility issues and not going to a straight blast and cruise mode. When come off the juice keep training and do a proper pct. Your doing great bro, you look good and if you keep it up you will continue to feel good juice or no juice.

jdbeam1's picture

I would agree with you.. Before I was eating 6 meals a day but at least two of those meals were always big mac meals so that doesn't really count and I was working out a little bit but probably only 45 minutes to an hour only three days a week (and that was with steroid shots from the doc but they were only giving 100 mg a week.) But yea if I would hit the gym a lot more I would have been able too, but I am someone that can eat 4500 - 5000 calories a day and sit in an office chair all day and will still not gain weight (not even fat) which probably sounds good to some but trust me it is as annoying as I imagine not being able to lose weight. And yea I agree I'm too young for the roids but I had a doctor prescribe them about a year ago so technically I'd be on them regardless (if I listened to the doctor) but I'm doing a considerably small cycle, especially compared to here and trying to be smart about it so hopefully no damage will be done.

Columbia12's picture

You're doing great. Just curious, what does your cycle consist of?

jdbeam1's picture

I'm doing a small cycle.. Or what I would think is small anyway.. I'm running 150 MG of Deca and 200 of Sust a week which was decided after talking to my doctor because luckily even though I have one that won't prescribe steroids often she will give her honest opinion on what she considers to be a help yet not damaging as well as keep it to herself haha.. Not really something anyone would probably consider running if they want any huge gains and probably wouldn't even help most people (not a professional opinion), but with my size and trying to keep Deca side effects to a minimum it works for me. Plus it also makes me eat about double the amount I could eat before.

Odin's Son's picture

Congrats! Your hard work and research are paying off. You are in good hands when dealing with GG!

jdbeam1's picture

Thanks. Was thinking about it and researching it for about 8 months and I stumbled on this site and this place and its community can teach all that is needed to know. From cycles, sources, safety, all the way down to handling side affects like acne.. They've got it covered. So seriously, thank you guys.

shrapnel's picture

Hell yeah another satisfied gorilla!

jdbeam1's picture

I won't order from anyone else. That dude has been nothing but nice and professional and unbelievably fast. I don't understand any of the slack he's been catching lately. But then again I've tried to be completely respectful every time I've messaged him so that may be the difference. I'm also in the states so that may mean less problems than out of country customers, but still that isn't on him.

shrapnel's picture

Never had a problem one from my man G.