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Testosterone replacement for men 'trade-off with risks'


Older men with low testosterone levels might benefit from hormone treatment for healthy bones, but it may also increase their risk of heart problems, US trials suggest.


Sam I Am's picture

I think a lot of guys that go on trt are over weight to begin with Not that it can't happen with bodybuilders but I do beleive a diet low in sat fats goes along way

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Reid0914's picture

I would imagine that trade offs are worth it. I would love to see the lifestyles of the people that had heart problems. Statistics can either way depending on the naritive that is desired.

giants59's picture

As we get older and start dropping in testoerone (estrogen for women) we start the bone loss process. It happens more rapid in women because of the harsher drop in estrogen during menopause. This is why women are more likely to get osteoporosis. Men loose bone at a much slower rate. Mind you this starts at about 40years of age.
Androgens are responsible for the osteocytes that maintain our bones
You learn this in College physiology

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SenseiMiagi's picture

Thanks for posting. Yet here is one study that suggests the exact opposite. Research and studies will tell whatever side of a story the people that perform it want it to. This is the problem with all posted studies...contradictions to the point we have no idea what is true anymore.


flapjack's picture

lol i totally agree contradictions is an understatement
i tend to believe your study more than the one i posted its certainly interesting to cross reference them all

SenseiMiagi's picture

Yeah, I think we all agree with the one that depicts our personal views.

flapjack's picture

i see you have earned your tag by random comments like this