soldierbot's picture
  • 28

State suspends medical license of anti-aging doctor over steroids prescriptions


"HALEDON — On the website for Dr. Goodnight’s Center for Everlasting Beauty, board-certified physician James Goodnight calls himself an expert in rejuvenative medicine.

Offering services that range from skin tightening and cellulite reduction to fat redistribution and plastic surgery, the 51-year-old graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine includes photos of himself pumping iron."

B52-BODY's picture

the part about the "bona fide" relationship is a crock.
so you can get them as long the Dr knows you on a patient basis.

soldierbot's picture

Interesting that he had so many police and firefighters as patients.

miggymig's picture

Most of the cops and firefighters I know juice

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