greenarrow's picture
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More advice for the fellow brothers in arms if you decided to order anything online that is illegal or even legal. Please do not use the above email providers. They will rat your ass out in a second, if the feds ask them too.

This is a old article but very informative:

killroy's picture

Posting an article from 2007??? That shit shouldn't be considered fucking news.

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ironguy1972's picture

Wait. This is news? It's the black market man.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Is there a list of recommended providers?

wimpy1's picture

The federal government can get whatever the fuck information they want from whoever about whomever. I mean What company, that has anything to lose, is gonna say no to the federal government? None I know of. Its a big risk we all take .

Emperort's picture

Yea, I think the same way

stairmaster's picture

I think everybody who orders gear should know about this.
When I see a shop who accepts these mail providers I always feel sceptical!

Gettingbig's picture

Im going to be honest any company based in the states will happily give up any information to the feds with or without a warrant. Google and apple pretending that they won't release or help the govt without a judges order in my opinion is misinformation to make people feel safe using there services.
Also Facebook twitter and the rest all have a devoted section to passing on information to law enforcement.

IrishMack's picture

For those that use windows 10 it also states in the eula that they reserve the right to spy on you and report anything illegal to the authorities, they also download your browsing history and upload it to their servers so if a fed asks, they give it.

Gettingbig's picture

Definitely Samsung and all the other cell phone companies also all the social media companies have a group dedicated to just passing information on to the feds also collecting information on facial recognition and pulling finger prints from pics.
On another board there is a couple different posts that talk about all the different spy ware these companies use and sell the information to the feds.
Intelligence is big money and all these social media and tech companies are on the government payroll.

Yep just read that link and thats just about what all the other articles I've been reading lately are saying.
I just saw the other day also that a guy got busted he was using all encrypted emails and his device was also encrypted it meant nothing the feds had zll the emails and information before they even came and took his electronics. So everyone needs to understand that these encrypted email apps and messengers are not 100% safe at all.

WelshNmad's picture

I want public safety over public privacy

I remember reading that apple wouldn't unlock an iphone that belonged to terrorist cell leader

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Gettingbig's picture

Thats was one of the things im talking about i believe that they had that phone already unlocked. Do you think that the nsa cant break through a 4 digit password? I think alot of it is just misinformation so that terrorists and criminals think that there safe but I agree if its a terrorist they should unlock it right away for them if its a normal joe no i think that his privacy should be protected as long as he isn't a sex offender or terrorist they deserve no privacy imo

WelshNmad's picture

Totally agree

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