brandon123's picture
  • 48

From EK....Bulk offers Bayer Primobolan August Only


just posted from EK:

Im putting Humangrade Bayer Primobolan 100mg/ml for one month only and it will never be these prices ever again

50amps 450$
100amps 850$

starts from august 1 only available 1 month and never again

brandon123's picture

What is it with you and monkey Piss?? I will be glad when u come up with some new stuff. Ur not even witty.

bobo_xxl's picture

$9 an ampule is not a bargain.

brandon123's picture

Your saying $9 is not a bargain for Humangrade Bayer Primobolan 100mg/ml. LOLOLOLOL Lots of UG labs 10ml Vials of primo go for around 80-110. This is HG gear and is the equivilent of 90 dollars for 10ML. Thats pretty cheap Bro. Primo is often one of the most faked in UG labs because of cost. So your getting guaranteed high quality primo in these and at a low cost.

But you don't have to take my word for it, after all i am an EK rep, right???. So hopefully some of the more experienced members will chime in on this