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Effects of androgen therapy on adipose tissue and metabolism in older men


Effects of androgen therapy on adipose tissue and metabolism in older men.

[Do not repost copyrighted content!]

compass745's picture

@sgtstedanko: Good find on the article. This is the kind of stuff I researched, as well as sources on this website, in order to convince myself of the benefits of running gear and what effects the substances would have on me. Keep them coming if you find anymore, but watch that copyright stuff.

bobo_xxl's picture

pasteing not pasting.

bobo_xxl's picture

I did not understand a word of your post. I'm 59 and would have liked some kind of info out of this spiel. Old fat men with low testosterone levels can benefit from anavar? Why didn't you just say that instead of copy and pasting this bullshit.

bobo_xxl's picture

much better than the original post. this i liked and understood.

Dafreezeman's picture

LMFAO.....too fkn funny
