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Bodybuilder Matt Kroczaleski Transgender


Too each his own I guess but this one definitely is a little shocking considering his history as a power lifter, bodybuilder and Marine.

Bodybuilder Matt Kroczaleski comes out as transgender http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/bodybuilder-matt-kroczales...

cdyrdes's picture

His momma named him Matt so that's what I'm gonna call HIM. Dude use to be one of my favorites but this just takes it for me, if that's what he wants in his life fine its not affecting me but definitely can't support it. What confused me is how he said on an instagram photo "think I'm ready to start dating I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body". That's weird shit, if your a lesbian trapped in a man's body wouldn't that make you ......oh I don't know .....a heterosexual male!?!?

Dodge Viper's picture

Each person able to do what he(she) want's to do. This is our main difference from animals ... I think.

Dextermorganlv's picture

I'm happy for him. We all very one life to live and if this is what he /she wants to do be happy, then go for it! Love and let live.

Imagine a world without prejudice replaced with love and acceptance. I also think it's funny that fellow body builders would give this guy shit when so much of the mainstream calls us "freaks" for what we do to our bodies.

FormerAhole's picture

Disgusting, degenerate freak. Nothing more clearly demonstrates how fucked up America is than how these sick fucks can get all the hormones they want, cut their cock off, and be celebrated. But we are the criminals.

humpnpump's picture

Must of forgot to take his adex and caber. Those leaky nips got ahold of him.

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Btraktus's picture

SEXY Smile

Lilbear's picture


mobman702's picture

YIKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN WHILE YOU CAN>>>>>

Pmob's picture

We know that turns you on

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tcrush11's picture

Who'd a thunk it? Mental illness is a terrible thing.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Hey if you can be a marine, you can be anything you want in life.
Semper tucked bro... I mean sis

uminchu's picture

Our Gunny use to give the liberty brief and always finished of by saying stay the hell away from the split troops in the e club. Lol