scoobydoo's picture
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+ 1 Volkanovski

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Drexyl's picture

Bro, this was too funny!!! Lmao

scoobydoo's picture

There are so many funny lines in there. I like the neighbor " Go back to your hexagon!" Lol

JakeKO's picture

That was hilarious, LOL

press1's picture

Great Film for everyone I've just watched - 'Brian Banks' based on the Footballer. Gorgeous Bird in it too!! On Netflix currently

scoobydoo's picture

You see this fence, it's at least 10mm on to my property. Lol

JakeKO's picture

What about hosing down the driveway, LMAO! My dad use to make me do that shit to our sidewalk and steps once per week. We had the cleanest sidewalk on the block, SMH! My dad was crazy about it. One of my friends once told him that his mom said that he was wasting water, and my dad said “Tell your mother to stop collecting welfare, and he’ll stop wasting water!” I think I was eight years old. I didn’t even know what welfare was.

scoobydoo's picture