bigwilly's picture
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bull shit!

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I think its a flat out crime that these drugs are so unattainable to the average working man. I don't lean towards young fellas taking these drugs, but decent guys in their late 30s and beyond,cmone. wer talking about harmless compounds that can improve quality of life and make guys more productive and just better in general. has any one seen suzane summers lately,wow and we,v seen sly in the movies here lately. this could go on a lot longer but ill spare ya, you get my general meaning im sure.

randys52's picture

yes I do. yes, we can now choose (somewhat) whether to grow old "naturally" and each year quietly walk toward the grave or go this route. It is up to the individual, but this route should be legal. And I would greatly appreciate Stalone sharing his AAS and HGH use and what he sees from it along with his exercise routine he does today.

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